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PrincessMara: I think a visit out to California is back in the cards. Haven't been back in 2 years. Missing a few people.
Charlotte: stay away from Brandon this time
Alexys: better come see me and Nick
Zion: she needs to see us all
Aspen: Nikola you bringing your one person
PrincessMara: Aspen yeah that person is coming with me

I locked my phone and looked up from the couch as the front door opened.

"You think everyone back in California is going to like me babe?"he asked sitting next to me on the couch.
"I know Alexys, Aspen, Austin, Edwin and Zion already do. It's Nick and Brandon I'm worried about." I replied softly.
"Your brother has met me though."he said.
"And he's close to Brandon. I dated Brandon. See where that runs."I said.
"You'd go back to the kid wouldn't you if you could?"he asked.
"Geo babe stop. Im with you. We been together over a year. I love you."I said.

He kissed me softly and bit his lip when he pulled away. I laid my head on his shoulder and my phone started ringing with a FaceTime call from Alexys. I answered and heard Alexys before her camera showed up.

Alexys- are you coming back this weekend?
Me- I plan on it. Geo took off work so we can visit for like a week.
Alexys- your brother thought you were coming by yourself.
Geo- why would he think that
Nick- cause that was the plan before she moved off.
Me- I'm not leaving my boyfriend here to make everyone happy
Alexys- I'm excited you're coming back and I like Geo.
Nick- he cant stay here Nik.
Me- why are you being like this Nicholas?
Nick- Brandon and I don't have to explain myself.
Me- Alexys I'll text you later. Geo is coming with me. I'll stay at a hotel instead.

I put my phone back down and looked over at Geo who had his jaw clenched.

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