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*Exactly one year after my choice*

"Nikola how you been?"Alexys asked me over FaceTime.
"Been better. I think I caught whatever Nick had last week."I muttered.
"B has it worse doesn't he?"she asked.
"He puked right after we got off stage. He's knocked out."Zion said taking my phone.
"At least he has Nik to take care of him."Alexys said.
"They should of paused tour being sick."I spoke up.
"Hey B's awake."Edwin called from behind me.

I turned around and he was sitting up on the couch looking at the floor. I walked over while Zion talked to Alexys. I touched his back and he tensed up.

"Baby you ok?"I asked softly.
"No. I don't like feeling like this either."he muttered.

I sat beside him and he turned to cuddle into me. Zion brought my phone to me and Alexys pouted seeing Brandon. I kissed his forehead and he closed his eyes. Nick came in the dressing room and looked over at us.

"Who wants to go back to the hotel?"he asked.
"Me. I want a bed."Brandon mumbled.
"We can leave now that you're up."Austin said coming in the room.
"I feel like puking again."he muttered tearing up.
"This is bullshit Nik. They should of gave him something to help."Zion mumbled.
"Stomach flu has to run it's course."my brother spoke up.

He helped me get Brandon up and Zion wrapped an arm around Brandon's shoulders so we could all get out to the van waiting on us. We got settled and Brandon leaned against Zion the entire ride to the hotel.

"You rooming with B?"Nick asked me.
"Don't I always?"I asked.
"Take care of him Nik. He's not been sick like this since we've been a band. It's scary."Austin spoke up.
"She's been taking care of me just fine."Brandon said softly.

We got inside the hotel and I slipped my arm around his waist. He leaned into me and I could feel the fever coming from him. We got up to our room and he bit his lip.

"Babe you want a cool shower before laying down?"I asked.
"You staying in there with me?"he asked.
"I can."I replied.

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