~Chapter Ten~

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Whoa whoa whoa are we on chapter 10 already

And by already I mean are we sERIOUSLY still screwing around?? We haven't actually gotten to the adventure part yet??


And yes I know this is very unlike me. First I update on time, then I update EARLY.


*jazz hands* Motivation! Kind of!

Actually no not really motivation, just fear that I'm not gonna make my deadline.

Anyway, this chapter is brought to you by Kygo, macadamia nuts, large earrings, and a whole lotta Naomie

Not doing a recap because I do better explaining things actually in the chapter

Though I will remind you that ever since their kiss at the end of AWU, Lukas and Petra have been in a secret relationship.

The first bit of this chapter is literally just to remind myself that despite all my crackship insanity, I AM still a Luktra shipper


Petra couldn't sleep.

She didn't understand why. Almost all her nights in Clarion had been spent worrying and thinking, and she was greatly in need of rest. She'd expected to be unconscious as soon as her head hit the pillow.

But nope. Hours after she'd gone to bed, she was still awake.

For a while she'd heard Jesse and Olivia's indistinct voices coming from Olivia's room next door, but they'd both since gone to bed. The whole building was quiet.

Sighing in annoyance, Petra sat up and leaned over to hit the button that turned on her Sea Lantern lamp. Lukas had once complained to her the downfalls of being an insomniac, but until now she'd never really experienced it firsthand.

An idea struck her. Could the blonde boy possibly still be awake?

After hesitating for a moment more, Petra got up, shoving her blankets away. She opened her door silently and peered down the hall. Lukas's door was slightly ajar, and a faint light glowed from inside.

Petra approached his room, pushing the door open farther. His light was on, but the room was empty.

In that case, she knew exactly where he was.

She crept downstairs, careful not to make a sound, aside from the soft padding of her bare feet. The Order's headquarters was a large place, but Lukas always went to the same spot when sleep evaded him.

At the far end of the building was a large room that was currently being used as part storage, part library. One wall was lined with chests, filled with resources of all kinds, while the others were occupied by towering bookshelves. Petra didn't usually spend much time there, but it was basically Lukas's safe haven.

Sure enough, she saw him as soon as she stepped foot into the room. He had his back to her, and was in the process of flipping through a large book.

Without turning around, Lukas quietly said, "Whoever's there, I can hear you. If it's one of the Authors, go back to bed, you're all teenagers and you act like you need more sleep. If it's one of you new people I don't know, it's creepy to wander around in the dark. If it's one of the Blazerods, you'd better be here to help me."

"I'm mildly offended that I wasn't on that list." Petra replied. He pivoted to look at her as she came over to stand next to him. "Oh. It's you. Sorry."

MCSM: Forgotten Demons (sequel to A World Unwound) [HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now