Go go gadget, guide of what to do in Liberia!

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Penny POV

It's morning and I wake up to my alarm telling me it's time to start the day. So after a little yawning and stretching , I head to my bathroom and take a nice long soothing shower and afterwards when I'm fully awake, I decide on my outfit for the day. I want to wear something different today, so after some thought and struggle I settle for a brown hat, with a cute red floral patterned tank top ,sun glasses, pair of shorts and matching sandals. Just to slightly change my appearance, I let my hair down and I look like a full blown tourist. After every thing's in place, I go down stairs and meet up with brain and Uncle Gadget for breakfast.

"Penny! Good morning!How was your night?" Uncle gadget says to me.

"Morning Uncle Gadget, my night was fine I guess. How was yours with brain?" I ask him.

"It was remarkable! though when I woke up at 2 am I could have sworn I saw a mad agent! But I luckily scared him away with my inspector Gadget bat" he says as a bat pops out his hat.

I see brain make an annoyed expression while rubbing his sore nose. I believe that 'mad agent' was poor brain. I can't count how many times the poor dog's been mistaken for a mad agent. I see a waiter come to our table.

"So Penny, would you like some pancakes for breakfast?"Uncle Gadget asks me while ordering for himself.

"Um.....I think I'll take a little break on pancakes , some cereal will be just fine." After yesterday's incident, I've seemed to loose my appetite for fried goods.

And brain just got dog food. I munch down my cereal and I'm done in no time,well I was really hungry so that explains why. So......now what next?

"Uh, Uncle Gadget do you have any plans for today?" I try asking.

"Hmm, not really, since the ball is tomorrow maybe we can just explore the town and I might be able to find a dashing outfit for the celebration!" he says with a light bulb turning on from his hat.

"You know that's not such a bad idea, maybe I could join you?"

"Of course Penny!, but I forgot the most important thing,remember to keep an eye out for any signs of MAD!"

"Sure,that is our mission after all" I say while finding myself eye roll, Uncle Gadget can be so unusual sometimes but that's what we know and love him for.

We get in the Gadget mobile and start driving around town I see markets and other cool stuff and after a while we decide to explore the rest by foot and maybe buy some souvenirs.

"Penny, remember the main objective, to investigate for any mad activities ,in case they're up to no good. *gasp* I could have sworn I saw something above that tent, go go gadget helicopter!!!" he said making his hat give him just that and tries taking off, oh no ,brain tries holding his legs but this just sends them both into the sky.

"Woah, wowzers!!!" I hear and a newspaper blows right in his face and with that he goes full speed to my left and in no time, he disappears in a blink of an eye.

"Well..... I'm on my own now, this is just great " and I let out a heavy sigh.

Talon POV

So we got to Liberia last night and this new MAD lair, I gotta say is way cooler than the one back home because, one ,my room is bigger and I even have a flat screen TV!,I mean how did he even afford this?!I wouldn't mind coming here for vacation a month or two,cause an evil master mind like me, could get used to this😎 but after some time I get incredibly bored and decide to take a stroll around the city. I'll probably end up buying a lot of unnecessary crap because I already have everything ready. Hair products, Hair tools, hair accessories, skincare, an outfit for the ball, you name it, but why spoil the fun?

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