Euegene, Werewolf Bachelor

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  "Welcome to season four of Mythological Bachelor. The reality tv show where eight hungry creatures fight for the love of one, charming beast. This years bachelor is, Eugene Lee Yang. Handsome by day, hotter by night as the full moon turns him into a bloodthirsty werewolf. This season includes fights, magic, murder?

Just keep watching, week after week until one lucky creature receives the final skull." Our host Ned energetically said.

"Thank you, Ned." The adorable bachelor said bashfully.

"Eugene, what are you looking for?" Ned asked.

"I just want a real and genuine love after leaving this haunted castle." He explained.

"Well, you'll have your choice of eight lovable houseguests." Ned pointed out. "And here comes the first limo."

There was a normal looking person that walked out of the it. He had a chill face and boy did he have muscles.

  "I'm Ben." He shook Eugene's hand.

  "Ben, you don't look like a... a..." Eugene couldn't find the right words.

  "A beast." Ben finished his sentence. Eugene nodded his head in agreement. "I'm a merman. When I touch water my legs form a tail."

  "Well, at least we can do some snorkeling." Eugene chuckled.

  "Yeah." Ben blushed.

  "Ben, please go inside. We have other creatures anxiously waiting to meet our eligible bachelor."

  Next a taller, paler man exited the car. He was visibly a vampire, his lips were stained blood red. He must've just drank some blood or killed someone before coming here. There meeting went over nicely and even Eugene happened to be fancied by him.

Then, a man with two heads crawled out of the limo. One head was extremely taller then the other and they hadn't even stopped to look at Eugene after getting out because they were too busy bickering.

The encounters continued and many creatures seemed to like Eugene and he liked a few people back. Other beasts Eugene couldn't see making it further into winning his heart.

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