My Wife Would Never

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"WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE SHANE?!?" Ned burst through the door only to come across the two devouring sandwiches.

"DID YOU NOT READ THE RULES! If a competitor is caught eating another competitors sandwich they are both sent home no ifs or buts about. When I was on the show your would never have dreamed of doing that, the audacity of the competitors I simply cannot imagine. I would never especially since I was on the show with my wife... simply despicable and further more.." Ned continued his ranting completely oblivious to the shared looked of annoyance on Shane's and Bens faces.

Shane slowly nodded his head and Ben reached for the knife he had used to cut off Ryan. Ned was still out of it muttering about his wife and the rules, it was the perfect chance.

They struck, Shane leaped on top of Ned covering his mouth holding him down.
His muffled yells being heard as he tried to struggle in Shane's grasp. Ben slowly approached carrying the knife, he clambered onto Neds body.

"No hard feelings you should've minded your own business, maybe you would've lived longer." Ben lazily said a bored expression on his face.

Soon after he Thrusted the knife down hitting Ned straight in the chest. Ned crying out in pain slowly stopped moving.

His last words were
"My wife would never."

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