Lets Have Some Fun

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Ben leaned in closer to Shane, his eyes wild before muttering
"Before we do that why don't we have some fun.."

Shane smiled a wicked grin leaning in to whisper in Bens ear,
"I'd like that very much."

They pressed their mouths against each other's sandwiches licking slowly at the condiment upon them. Honey mustard dribbled down Shane's face when he pulled away. Ben smirked and continued to assault the lovely sandwich. Making an utter mess out of it lettuce spilling over the sides, chicken basically falling out of the Golden bun. Shane stopped to catch his breath and to glare disdainfully at Ryan who's bloody head was still attached to him.

Ben noticed and with a warm smile took out a knife from his pocket and cut Ryan off.
It rolled on the floor landing near the door with a loud thump. Ben smiled once more and they went back to eating their sandwiches.

Except someone heard the thud of Ryan's head. They were heading right their way, and the merman and hydra had no clue.

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