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Eugene, Ryan, and Shane all made it back to the mansion together. None of the boys were happy to see that their fingers were intertwined.

  "You've returned! And you're all alive!" Ned exclaimed happily.

  "Great." Ben scoffed.

"Where's Keith!" Eugene asked, worried.

"Keith was taken to a hospital." Curley explained.

"And?" Eugene continued.

"We're sorry to say, he didn't make it." Ned broke the news.

Eugene stood there in disbelief.

"I'm sorry." Ryan said. "Maybe if we had taken him to a hospital sooner." He scoffed to Shane.

"Oh shut up! It's one more monster out of my way." Shane shrugged it off.

"His blood is on your hands!" Ryan said, escalating the situation.

"I don't care!" Shane yelled back.

"Who are you gonna take out next? Me?" He shot back.

"Why not!?" Shane yelled, picking up a rock and smashing it into Ryan's skull.

"No! Stop!" Eugene yelled.

"No, keep going!" Ben encouraged.

"Break it up!" Ned screeched.

Finally, Shane's hand stop beating down on Ryan's Head, but everyone could clearly see that he was dead.

"You murderer." Was all Eugene could murmur.

Eugene's RosesWhere stories live. Discover now