What Happens at the Manor...

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"Stop rolling." Eugene instructed Quinta.

"Sir, we're live." Quinta said.

"What are you gonna do to me?" Curly whined.

"Stop rolling!" Eugene yelled again.

"Please don't hurt me!" Curly cried.

"Shut Up!" Eugene yelled.

"Don't do anything you'll regret." Shane whispered.

"Hold him still." Eugene instructed. Mike and Ben held him still.

"Eugene, I was set up. Please!" Curly screeched again.

"Then who set you up?" Eugene asked in a deep and terrifying voice.

"I-I I cant say." Curly stuttered.

All of the sudden Eugene started to make a small growling noise. His eyes went completly black. Eugene's hair grew at an astounding speed and eventually his body was covered in the silky black fur. His teeth had shifted into razor sharp fangs and his body fully was disfigured.

Eugene pounded on Curly. Tearing his limbs from his body. Blood flew everywhere and everyone around them was covered.

Once Eugene stopped Curly was gone. Just a puddle of blood and bones sat where Curly was just moment before.

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