The Morning After

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  After all of the epic events went down that night, the morning after was a mess for everyone. They all met in the living room, but no one could find Ned. They only found a sad looking werewolf.

  "What's going on?" Curly asked.

  "I'm sad to report, our loving host Ned was murdered last night." Eugene delivered the message.

  "What!?" Zach, the fairy, said. There was an astonished look on everyone's face.

"His body was found with a knife, plundered into his chest." Eugene continued.

"Where?" Shane asked, playing innocent.

"The swap, just past the graveyard." Eugene answered.

"What about the show?" Curly asked.

"The producers have hired a new host..." Eugene gestured to the front door, where Quinta entered through.

Quinta was the real Medusa. Snakes for hair, that could turn the toughest man to stone. All of the houseguests were terrified.

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