The Second Skull Ceremony

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  "Well then. We are throwing a prompt to skull ceremony to get a few more creatures out of the house. After this sudden out burst, we will be trying to keep as minimal casualties as possible." Quinta explained to the camera.

  Eugene was still covered in blood and only Shane, Ben, and Mike stood in front of him.

"Are you kidding me? I'm not ready for a skull ceremony right now." Ben said, his face red and flustered.

"Stand over there!" Quinta demanded.

Ben hurried to shuffle over to where she went looking incredible unhappy. Mike was staring off emotionless into the distance. Poor Shane was looking a bit traumatized, or was he who's to say.

They were all standing around awkwardly waiting for Eugene to be hosed off of Curly's blood. When suddenly Mike spoke....

" I'm out." He said simply his eyes glazed over his words slurred. "I came here for romance and all I've seen is murder my kind may be blood thirsty but this is too much. Also simply put I do not have any feeling for you Eugene, so please do not give me a skull and let me leave."Mike finished and began to trot away.

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