Skull Ceremony

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  "This will be the first skull ceremony of the season. This tradition has been continuously postponed because of the mysterious deaths taking place in this mansion. The houseguests and Eugene are all ready. Let's head to the back yard." Quinta greeted.

  Eugene stood in front of all of the houseguests with four skulls. One of the five mythical creatures would be leaving tonight. This time, hopefully not in a body bag.

"Welcome houseguests. Tonight the first skull ceremony will be taking place. I'm sorry to say that one of you is going home, but four will remain." Eugene explained.

"Eugene, please pass out the first skull." Quinta said.

"Shane, you receive the first skull. You saved my life back in that castle and I feel like I can trust you completely." Eugene smiled genuinely.

"Shane, that means that you will be going in the next date with our very own, Eugene Lee Yang." Quinta stated.

"Thank you." Shane smiled as he took the skull from Eugene.

"Second skull, please." Quinta rushed.

"Curly, I feel as though I haven't had the time to connect with you, but you seem like a genuine person. I want you to stay in this house." He said.

  "Thanks." Curly chuckled.

  "My third skull will go to Mike. Your mystery intrigues me and I want to get to know you better." Eugene explained.

"And who will receive you fourth and final skull?" Quinta asked.

Ben and Eric stood in front of Eugene...

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