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Quinta sent shivers down everyone's spine. Including Eugene's.

"Well, we must move on. Today I'll be inviting Zach on a date." Eugene said. Zach jumped up with glee.

The other houseguests sighed in disappointment but all left Zach and Eugene alone.

"Where are we going?" Zach bugged.

"We will be shooting arrows." Eugene said with a smile. Eugene was always athletic. He loved shooting arrows, racing through the woods, mountain climbing, and so on.

Zach on the other hand hated all sports. Ever since he was a young sprite, he was never good at flying. He mostly practiced magic. So he was a bit jumpy for his first date with Eugene.

Zagene went to a clearing in a field and began practicing archery. Eugene made every shot perfectly. Zach's arrows either flew into the ground or behind the target. Eventually, Eugene tried to teach Zach to shoot correctly. Just as Zach's perfect shot almost hit the target it fell straight to the ground.

"What happened?" Zach asked, examining the bow.

"Oh please, it's not the bow stupid." Quint said, as she appeared through the bushes. Eugene immediately avoided eye contact, but Zach was too late.


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