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"Keith you seem like a really sweet guy and very funny I hope to get to know you better!" Eugene finished blushing not looking at Keith.

"Wellll Keith because Eugene gave you the first skull you'll also be going on the first date with him. I'm sure it'll be memorable you know I was the first date for my wife on this show. Oh I love my wife!" Ned said a dreamy expression on my face.

After Ned said his spiel, Eugene and Keith went off on the first date of the show. Which funnily enough was a hunting date. A few criminals had been set loose in the forest and whatever happened to them happened. The perfect date for a bloodthirsty werewolf and vampire. Sure to be memorable.

"I'm honored." Keith said happily, joking Eugene, and locking their hands together before walking off for their date.

"Are you kidding me?" Ben grunted under his breath.

"Really? Calm down. The rest of us didn't get chose either." Curley, a nature nymph, scoffed.

  "It's not like you're trying to win Eugene over. You're just here for the fame!" Ben shit back.

  "The fame?" Curley laughed sarcastically.

  "That's why half of you are here, isnt it!" Ben yelled to the rest of the group.

  That remark made the rest of the creatures upset and they all looked at him, ready to pounce.

Eugene's RosesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя