I'll Be There For You

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Eugene had already been startled enough. It was late into the cold night and Eugene's cell felt like a freezer. Eugene tried to get a little bit of shut eye but that was until a loud crashing came into the room outside of the cell.

"Eugene! We are here to rescue you!" A familiar voice echoed. Eugene jumped up and rushed to the bars of the cell.

"Can you be quiet. You are going to get us caught." Another familiar voice scolded.

"Shane! Ryan! Is that you?" He asked through the bars.

"Yes my sweetheart. It is." Shane responded.

  "Quick! Get me out!" Eugene yelled in distress.

  Shane and Ryan immediately ran over to his cell. There was a large padlock separating them from each other.

  "Where's the key?" Ryan asked.

  "The guards have it." Eugene sighed.

  "Don't worry." Shane said. "I will free you."

  "Stop making promises you can't keep." Ryan hushed.

  "I am going to keep this promise." He stated.

  Shane and Ryan ran off to find the key. They knew that if they were found they'd probably be in the same spot as Eugene, so they quickly disguised themselves.

Finally, after a perilous journey, Shane and Ryan got a hold of the key. They ran back to Eugene and set him free.

"Thank you so much!" He said after he leaped from his cage and into a hug.

"You're welcome." Shane said happily.

Eugene's RosesWhere stories live. Discover now