Chapter 21

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They finally get home, Larry pulls in the driveway honking the horn letting everybody know they were here.

He helped Alex out of the car and walked to the door, " close you eyes baby, I have a surprise for you "!

Alex : If I close my eyes I won't be able to see where I'm going, besides you know I don't like surprises Larry !

Larry : No argue with me baby just do it please !

Alex : Larry I'm not doing it so if you want me to go in there in then you will have to carry me !

Larry : Fine but you still have to close you eyes and don't open till I say so okii!

Alex shook her head and closed her eyes, Larry opened the door and picked her up carrying her to the back yard ! Everyone that was important to them was there, Larry even let Essence magazine come in a take pictures of this private event !

He placed her down and said "you ready for you surprise baby "?

Alex :I guess, you know I don't like this !

Larry : Okii baby open you eyes and see you surprise!

Alex took a deep breath and opened her eyes to see blue and pink balloons, flowers and everybody screaming "SURPRISE" !

She turned back to look at Larry, " you did all this for me and the baby "?

Larry : I said I wanted to start over and this a good way for us to begin. Go enjoy you self , this you day!

Alex hugged and kissed Larry before speaking to everyone else, she walked over to Mama B who was sitting with her arms out stretched towards Alex.

She got up and embraced her, "you look beautiful daughter, I happy you and my son are working things out. Now go enjoy you baby shower, we talk later about my grandson "!

Alex : How do you know it's a boy Mama B, we don't find out for another two weeks !

Mama B : I know these things Alexandria and I can see you having a boy, now go enjoy !

Alex walked away and was greeting everyone she saw, smiling for the camera! She finally got to her mama and gave her a big hug and kiss, " well baby girl I see you and my son have made up or your on speaking terms "?

Alex : We working on it mama, but we still have a long way to gooo...

Mama J : Alex look at me, are you feeling okay ?

Alex : I feel a little dizzy mama, but okii I guess !

Mama J : Larry get Alex a chair and some ice water, I think she may be over doing right now!

Larry rushed a picked Alex up in his arms, "Lau get that chair over there and put it under the tree so she in the shade "!

Lau did as he was told and Larry sat her down, he pulled some ice from her water and placed it in a napkin rubbing over her face and the back of her neck. She took a sip of water and the dizziness started to go away, "you need to eat Alex, my son is hungry. I go fix you a small plate "!

Mama B and Mama J were right beside Alex making sure she was okay, "I know when I was pregnant with my twins I would feel how you feel Alex, I wonder if you having twins "?

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