Chapter 67

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"Could Things Get Any Worse "?

Alex: What are you doing here Trina ?

Trina : I heard from Teddy's mama that he was here !

Alex : First off how'd you find out where I live now ?

Trina : You know Valerie told me !

Alex : Auntie got a big mouth! Listen I don't need none of your bullshit today, Teddy is in a good place right now and I don't need you coming in here trying to fuck that up !

Trina : Hey, I didn't come here for no drama. I came here so he could see his kids that's all Alex !

Alex : You know damn well those ain't his kids Trina. You got pregnant with lil T after he got locked up and you were already pregnant with Tracey when he got locked up this last time ! Those are not his kids Trina and you know it, you just trying to hold on to something you lost a long time ago !

While Alex was standing at the door arguing with Trina everyone could hear them screaming back and fourth ! Teddy, Nookie, James and Mama J came to see what the fussing was about !

Teddy : Yo, what's up all the yelling ? Fuck, what you doing here Trina ?

Trina : I brought your kids to see you Teddy !

Nookie : You know they not his kids Trina ! What are you doing here ?

Trina : These are his kids, why does everybody keep saying they not his ?

Mama J : The reason is because you a hoe! Does that answer your question lil girl ?

James : Don't upset yourself mama, look no one wants you here so you better tell us the real reason behind you being here or else I'm going to have a reason to use my service pistol !

Trina : Look Valerie told me I could find Teddy here so I'm here for him !

Alex : You still refuse to tell the truth Trina ?

Alex reached behind her back and pulled out her pistol holding it up to Trina's head, "now start talking bitch "!

Trina : Okay, look I was told to come here and check to see who all was here that's it !

Teddy : Who sent you Trina ?

Trina : Tiffany, she sent me here !

Teddy: Baby cuz put the gun down, she not worth it !

Alex had a crazy look in her eyes, she was breathing hard looking at Trina. Larry crept up from behind and wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her close, with his other hand he put it over Alex hand holding the gun putting it down !

Alex just looked at her while Larry was pulling her away from the door, mama j stepped in front of Alex making her focus on her .

Mama J : Come on baby girl we have to go finish cooking dinner. Let your your cousins and your brother handle that you understand me !

Larry : Alex you mama is right, come on we need to finish cooking!

Alex still had that look in her eyes, so instead of going back to the kitchen Larry pulled her in the bedroom and pushed her down on the bed. He climbed on top of her making her focus on him, "I want you to look at me Alex. You have got to control you self babe, I no like what you are turning into"!

Alex : And what am I turning into Larry? I'm living in fear everyday right now not knowing if or when Thomas will pull the trigger, people keep showing up out the blue watching me so they could run back to him and give him a report about my home and life !

Why Did I fall in love with you!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora