Chapter 31

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One Big Happy Family (Some What )

Larry was woken up by LJ's crying, he through on his boxer briefs and went to the nursery. Alex could hear LJ so she got up wrapping the sheet around her naked body, she walked in the nursery to find Larry changing LJ and talking to Nia who was wide awake !

Larry : Hey what you guys doing up this early ?

Larry didn't hear Alex walk in the room, she picked Nia up and started to rock her back to sleep. "I go make bottles for them, I'll be back "!

He walked out the room and made his way to the kitchen to make their bottles, Lau heard someone in the kitchen so he got up.

Lau : So Larry, how is everything?

Larry : I no sure but I know she still wants me bro, she said I can move back!

Lau : So does that mean you guys are back together or nah !

Larry : Nothing's official yet bro but I plan to change that... I better get these upstairs before they have a crying match on who can scream the loudest!

Larry went upstairs to the nursery, he gave Alex a bottle and they both sat down feeding the twins ! Alex looked over at Larry feeding LJ, she couldn't help but feel a warm sensation wash over her. She burped Nia and laid her back down, she was out like a light. "I'll see you back in the room when your done "!

He looked up at her and smiled, she walked out and went back to the room lying down on the bed in deep thought!

(Should I just give in and take him back? God knows how much I miss him and he does look a little thinner but I can't help that I want him, I mean he knows I love it when his his hair is in twist especially because it gives him that rough kind of look... But I'm not sure I want to open my heart back up like that to him )

As she was laying there thinking Larry came back in the room and closed the door, he saw her lying there in deep thought, he also noticed her tears falling.

He climbed on top of her, pulling her face towards his. He looked at her deeply in her eyes, "why you crying baby, did I do something wrong "?

Alex : No Larry you didn't do anything wrong, but I just don't think I can give you my heart again. I don't know if I could ever trust you again !

Larry : I know I broke you heart, I know I broke you trust but please give me a chance to make things right between us. I miss you mon amour, I miss holding you and making love to you body ! I will do whatever it takes to get you to fall back in love with me !

Alex grabbed his face and kissed him deeply on the lips.. Larry broke the kiss so he could take off his boxer briefs and unwrapped Alex out of the sheet, he laid down on top of her looking at her."J'adore vous Alexandria, you gave me all of you and I didn't know how to treat you baby. I lost my soulmate, my best friend, my love, my everything. But please give me just one more try to win you heart back. I never loved someone as much as I love you, please give me one more try "!

Alex whipping away tears, sat up and said "shut up Larry, you had me at J'adore vous amour "!

Larry picked her up in his strong arms and swung her around the room, he laid her down and began to softly kiss her entire body. Before he could go lower he turned on their stereo and the perfect song came on "Lie Under You "... He turned back and looked at her, she reached her hands out to him. He started kissing her hand moving down her arms to her shoulder!

Why Did I fall in love with you!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora