Chapter 65

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"Surprise I'm Back Part 2"

Alex couldn't believe her eyes as should looked to see who was standing in her door way !

Alex : Is it really you or am I dreaming Teddy ?

Teddy : Naw, it's me lil cuz. In the flesh, I'm back baby !

Alex pulled Teddy in the house wrapping her arms around his neck squeezing him tight. No one really knew how to take her cousin nor did anyone know about this cousin Teddy !

Larry : Alex who is this guy baby ?

Alex: Oh my god I'm sorry babe, this is my big cousin Teddy! He's been away for a while and I didn't know he was out !

Alex pulled her cousin in the house so she could introduce him to everybody, "cuz I want you to meet my husband Larry. Larry this is my cousin Teddy "!

Teddy : Wait lil cuz, you mean you married Larry of LesTwins ?

Alex : Uh yeah , why you actin shocked like I couldn't be with someone like him!

Teddy : Naw cuz not like that, but what happened to Tony ? Last I checked you was in the hospital because of him !

Alex : Wow Teddy you been gone that long ? Anyways Tony is gone and Larry is my everything, you heard about daddy right ?

Teddy : Naw, how my uncle doing ? I want to go see him but you know how this shit work. Can't leave the state or country !

Alex was scared to tell her cousin about her daddy passing away. You see when James went off to the Marines Teddy stepped up and became Daddy J's right hand man doing everything for him plus watching out for his baby cousin Alex !

When Tony beat Alex putting her in the hospital the first time Teddy put Tony in the ICU and did some time behind that. After that he was in and out of jail not being able to catch a break, this last time he did 5yrs because child support issues !

Alex : Uh I think you should sit down cuz so we can talk !

Teddy: We don't need to sit cuz, just tell me how my uncle doing !

Larry held Alex as she broke the news to Teddy about daddy j passing away, "you mean my uncle gone and no body bothered to let me know "?

Alex : It's not like that cuz, I tried to find you but no body would tell me where you were ! Auntie never said you were in jail, if I knew I would have been there and you know that !

Teddy sat in the chair that was by the front door. He whipped away his tears as Alex gave him a hug, "hey cuz guess what "? I'm a mom now, I have a 3yr old daughter thanks to Larry and I have twins Nia and LJ"!

Teddy : That's great cuz, I'm sorry for doing this right now but you know my uncle was like a father to me when mine just walked out !

Just then Chanelle walked in the front room to see what everybody was doing !

Chanelle: Oh my god is that Teddy ?

Alex got up so Teddy could see her, they had a little fling back in the day but it could never get to serious because of him going in and out of jail! Chanelle slowly walked over to him hugging him as best as she could because of her big stomach now, "Teddy I can't believe your out and here right now. Wait how did you know where Alex was living right now "?

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