The Recruit

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Alaska's PoV:

The pilot of the Pelican spoke to me. "So, excited?"

I checked on my twin SMGs. I wasn't very into small talk.

"Not much of a talker, huh?"

I shrugged, even though she couldn't see me. My hands wandered to the tags on my neck. Freelancer tags, detailing my new persona: Agent Alaska.

"Hey, might want to gather your things. Approaching home now."

I nodded and slung the duffle bag I had brought over my shoulder. Not much was in it; just some clothes and a book that was special to me. There was also a burnt and useless DMR along with a broken helmet. Those two were retrieved after Reach had been glassed.

Checking to make sure my suit was in optimal condition, I looked up to see the door slowly open. Before me stood two men, one with dark skin and the other with pale. They both gave me a nod and I got off, standing right in front of them.


The one with pale skin smiled. "Agent Alaska. Welcome to Project Freelancer."

I gave him a nod, then looked at the man next to him. "Thank you, Director. Who is this?"

The man introduced himself. "I am known as the Consular. If there is something troubling you, feel free to come to me, Agent."

I nodded once again. "I'll remember that."

The Director turned around and waved me to follow. "Agent Alaska. We have someone who it would be beneficial to know."

I followed him. Now, who would that be?

We entered what looked like a training room. Someone in cyan armor was currently training.

They finished and the ship's AI started to relay the results, but the Agent cut it off. "Start it again, FILSS!"

"Belay that."

The Agent spun around to see us. She tilted her head when she saw me. "Sir?"

"Agent Carolina, meet the newest recruit, Agent Alaska. Agent Alaska, this is Agent Carolina, our best Agent."

I looked at the Director, then at Agent Carolina. "I assume she leads most ops in the field?"

"That is correct."

The Director and Consular began to leave and I tried to follow, but Carolina stopped me.

"Fight me."

I turned around and looked at her. The Director began to berate her, but I stepped forwards. "If that's what you want, then so be it."

The Director and Consular shared a look, then left the field. Carolina took her place at the other end of the arena as I took mine. I watched as she tapped something on her hip and got into position. She rushed me at crazy speeds and I was put off by this, so I rolled aside. She slid and faced me.

"I said fight me, not play chicken!"

She rushed again and I saw it coming, so I lept to the side and swung. My fist made contact with her visor, causing her to get thrown to the ground by her speed. She swiftly got back up and raised her fists. I raised mine, too.

She lunged at me and threw several punches, but I blocked them. "You know, there's this saying one of my mentors taught me. 'Be as cunning as you are strong.'"

I swept her legs, but she managed to flip away. Naturally, I raised an eyebrow. It was my turn to charge and I sprinted forwards, fist ready for a right hook. Carolina got ready to block it, but instead of throwing it, I swept her legs. She hit the floor, then rolled away and lept to her feet. She charged me and threw punch after punch, some hitting their mark. She managed to get me wide open and delivered a powerful kick to my chest, causing me to fall to the ground. Groggy, I raised my head to look at Carolina, who was ready for another round.

Pain coursed through my body. "I know when I'm beat." I raised a hand.

Carolina gazed at it for a while before pulling me up. Smiling, I walked over to the duffle bag I had laid by the side of the door and slung it back over my shoulders. Glancing over my shoulder, I gazed at Carolina, who was standing fairly cockily.

"Thanks for showing me some things I can improve on."

She gave me a nod and the Director led me to my room. Glancing at the rooms next to me, one was labeled "North" while the other one was labeled simply, "Carolina".

Smirking, I entered my room and set the bag down. Placing the helmet on the desk, I grabbed the DMR and gazed at it, feeling the life force of the Spartan who once held it. Said life force felt.... familiar, like I knew it intimately. Mounting it on my wall, I tucked the book away under my bed, then proceeded to put away the clothes I had brought. Quietly, I took off my armor and put on purple shorts and a blue tee.

Walking over to the panel on the wall, I lowered the room temperature to something I'm more accustomed to and dimmed the lights by a massive amount. As I sat down on my bed, I smiled.

Just like my room back home.

Someone knocked on the door. I raised an eyebrow.

"Hey, uh. Name's North. Is it okay if I come in?"

I pondered it for a bit and stood up. Walking right over to the door, I opened it to see a guy in purple and green armor. He gazed at me, then into my darkened room.

"Huh. Already making yourself comfortable, I guess?"

I smiled. "Yeah. Something you need?"

He looked back at me. "What? Oh, no. Just seeing who my new neighbor is. That's all. So, uh, what's up with the dark room?"

I gazed at my room. Due to me staying in dark places so often, my eyes have grown better at seeing in the dark. "That's just how I lived, back home."

"Soooo..... edgy.....?"

I smirked and shook my head. "I lived in a mountain."

North looked at me like I was crazy. I laughed.

"It's the truth!"

North slowly nodded. "Uh-huh. Well.... see you later, I guess."

He walked off and I re-entered my room, only to lay down in my bed and drift to sleep.

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