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Alaska's PoV:

I was in the training room with Arizona, North's girlfriend. As she got the final metal wall in place, she looked at me, who was practicing his throw.

"Tell me why you needed metal walls when you're throwing knives?"

I smirked. "Last time I trained with knives, I got one stuck in a metal wall. And it had only been in my hand for, like, a half second before slipping out."

Arizona raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. "It's going to get stuck in the metal. And I'm willing to bet on that."

"That's nice, but I don't do bets."

And with that quip, I raised the knife, ready to throw.

Arizona's PoV:

This is never gunna work.


As soon as I said that, I felt something whizz past my head and slam into the wall. Curious, I looked to my left and fainted.

Alaska's PoV:

Maine walked in right as I threw my knife and I saw him along with Arizona faint one second after I let go. Confused, I walked over to the five-foot-long block of aluminum and looked for where my knife went. It didn't take long. The entry was glaringly obvious, but as I peered in, I saw nothing. Literally. Nothing was between the entry and far wall.

Still confused, I rounded the cube and saw what seemed to be... an exit wound? That can't be right. Dubious, I peered in and once again saw through the entire block. Confused out of my mind, I turned around and saw something shiny sticking out of the dull walls of the training ring. Walking over to it, I realized it was the blade of my knife, dug in deep into the metal. My head became woozy when I finally pieced everything together.

When I threw the knife, it stabbed into the block with so much force, the handle practically disintegrated while the blade made its way through the block, narrowly missed Arizona (thank god for that!) and embedded itself almost entirely in the reinforced wall. I mean, this wall can handle anything you can throw at it! Bullets, arrows, grenades, rockets, ANYTHING!!! AND THIS KNIFE JUST STABBED THIS WALL AFTER GOING THROUGH TITANIUM!!!!!!!!

My whole body was rocking back and forth when Carolina walked in. She saw Arizona passed out, me close to passing out, and a giant block of metal. Curious, she examined the block and saw the hole.

"What caused this?"

Shakely, I pointed at the knife blade. "Me with that blade."

And with that, I passed out.

Timeskip provided by Chibi Arizona and Maine fainting at the sight of Alaska with a knife!

I woke up in someone's room. I knew it wasn't mine because the lights were bright and the air was warm.

"Where am I?"

"Finally up, huh?"

I looked to my left and saw Carolina sitting at her desk with her back to me. She spun around and I couldn't help but think, She's hot.

Immediately, I slapped myself mentally. She's your superior, Alaska! You can't go about thinking those things!

Carolina gave herself a smirk. "Lemme guess, hormones."

I sighed. "Lemme guess, this has happened before."

Carolina nodded. I sighed again.

"You got me."

She simply chuckled and turned to continue working on something. "I heard what happened in the training room floor from Zona when she recovered. Didn't know you could do that with a knife."

I sat up and nodded. "yeah, neither did we. I was just expecting it to impale into the metal, not go through!"

Carolina laughed and slipped something into something else. Getting up, she examined whatever she was working on before looking at me.


She tossed me pieces of my armor and I grabbed them. Curious, I examined the armor.

"Uh, what did you do?"

"Put in slots for Kuni on your legs in an easy to reach location. The sheaths are built into the armor to look nondescript. Also, I put in a built-in ammo counter for how many Kuni you have. Try it out."

Still a bit nervous, I got up and put on my armor. As soon as my HUD booted up, I saw an image of a mini Kuni right below my currently nonexisting weapons and a number next to said Kuni.

"Twelve Kunis?"

"All I could fit without giving something away."

"Ah. Well, thanks, Carolina."

She smiled at me. "Don't thank me with words. Thank me by putting it to good use."

"You bet I will."

I left her room and entered mine, the cold a comforting feeling. As I laid down in my bed, I just couldn't get Carolina out of my head.


Poor, poor Alaska. The struggles are real, aren't they?

Anyways, I'm going to skip a flashback and go straight to... *drum roll please*


no drum roll?



I'm going to skip a flashback and go straight to the Sarcophagus!

JK, there will actually be a chapter before that one, and no. It will not be the introduction of Texas. It will be building the bond between Alaska and Carolina! See you there!

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