A Noble Enigma

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Adam's PoV:

I woke up hanging by my wrists. Confused as to where I am and how I got here, I looked around in the dark room. Suddenly, a door opened and I saw C.T.

"Hey! C.T.! Help me outta these restraints!"



"You're our prisoner."

I tilted my head. "What do you mean? What's going on?"

Someone put their hand on her shoulder. "Give it a rest, Connie. He's got amnesia, we can use that to our advantage."

My confusion grew. I have amnesia? How'd I get that? What have I forgotten?

The door closed and after around a minute, several people in armor came in and began to torture me. This went on for weeks...

Unknown Spartan's PoV:

Bingo. Found ya.

I lowered my sniper rifle and looked around. Haven't been found, good.

Re-focusing my sights on the two Freelancers scouting out the Insurrection base, I followed their gaze and saw several dozen fairly armed troops. Two of them had miniguns and were painting faces onto them.

Gotta find him and get him out.

Putting my sniper on my back, I drew my twin SMGs and activated my Active Camouflage. Running into the base, I bobbed and weaved my way through it, focusing on speed and stealth. A scream echoed through the base, followed by a shout.


I walked up to a door and knelt down. "I... don't betray... my kin."

That's him.

I heard a man growl, then he left the room. "Have your fun, Girlie, then kill 'im. Make it quick, the boss is coming."

Laughter came from the room and I entered to see a woman with golden hair standing before Adam, a scimitar in her hand. She began to walk towards him, a sick smile on her lips. She ran her lips down his neck and he looked away, a look of disgust covering his bloodied face. Still smiling, she cut a small heart into his neck, whispered something into his ear, then plunged her sword into his stomach. Slowly, she began to push it further in and I walked forwards, making every step loud and slow. Girlie spun around and looked in my direction.


My response was turning my visor blood red and igniting my crimson energy sword. Dim red light washed over the room and cast shadows across the scarred surface of my armor. Fear flashed across her face and she tried to run away and I simply let her. The Freelancers would take care of her for me; no purpose in spending my lifeforce on her. Turning my attention to Adam, I strode up to him and cut off the elector cuffs holding him upright and he fell into my left arm. Quickly cutting his legs' restraints, I put away my Key and set him down against a wall. Drawing my comrade's Magnum, I scanned the hallway, then turned back into the room and handed Adam his equipment.

As he put on his equipment, I tended to his wounds and as soon as he had everything but his helmet on, he gazed up at me.

"Wh-. Who are you?"

I tried to speak, but the only thing that came out of my burnt throat was a gravelly sound. Letting out a silent sigh, I handed him the only weapon of his I could find: his Magnum.

He gazed at it for a bit, took it, then put on his helmet. His filter was staticy, like it had been heavily damaged. "Throat injury?"

I nodded.

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