First Place

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Alaska's PoV:

I was waiting in the Director's Office, waiting for the board to be updated. I've been struggling for months to get better. I was number two and Carolina one. The Agents around me started to bet who'd place first.

"Hey, 'Laska! Who do you think'll get first?" Wash had a grin on his lips.

"Carolina. It's always been her."

He frowned. "You always choose her!"

"That's because he's always right." York gave Wash a playful shove.

The Consular tapped at his datapad. "Thank you, Agents, for waiting. Here are the updated results."

We watched as the board shifted around and I gazed at who was in first. My eyes widened behind my visor.

1) Alaska

A stone formed in my gut. This will not end well...

Apparently, Wash, York, Maine, and Wyoming had the same thought. They looked at me and offered worried smiles.

"Good luck."

Laughing nervously, I left the office and went straight to my room. I had to pass by the training room and I heard Carolina wailing away at various targets. Practically every Freelancer gave me looks of worry and I put on a worried smile. Entering my room, I sat down at my desk and let out a shaky breath.

"Welcome to hell, Alaska. Welcome to hell."

There was a knock on my door and it didn't seem angry.


"Unlock the door, Alaska." Oh crap, it was Carolina.

Not wanting to anger her further, I did as she told and as soon as the door opened, I began to apologize.

"Look, I didn't me-"

She cut me off by covering my mouth with her hand. Slowly, she pushed me in until the door closed behind us. Confused, I tilted my head.

She smiled. "I'm not mad, Alaska."

My brain short-circuited. "Wait, you're not mad?"

She rolled her eyes. "Yes. That's what I said. Is that so hard to comprehend?"

"Actually, yes. Very, very much."

Carolina rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Look, I'm not mad because you've worked for it ever since joining. Honestly, I'm kinda proud to see how far you've come."

? "And why's that?"

"I could tell you with words... but I think I'll tell you a different way."

??? "Uh, what?"

A smile formed on her lips as she pinned me to the wall and crashed her lips into mine. I tensed up, caught off guard, but slowly, I melted into the kiss. She tasted like salt from her recent work-out and I kinda liked it. After what felt like forever, she pulled away, grinning.

"You're slow."

Oh really?

Grinning, I wrapped my arms around her and fell into my bed, pressing our lips together. She laid there for a minute before wrapping her arms around my neck and righting herself on my bed. We held the kiss for a bit longer before seperating. Smiling, Carolina laid down on me and I closed my eyes, her warmth bringing back happy memories of early in my life.

"Hey, you oka-" Wash accidentally opened my door and saw Carolina laying on me.

My eyes snapped open and glanced from him to Carolina, who had fallen asleep. "Uhh..."

Wash stood there for a bit longer before turning around and walking away, whistling innocently. My door locked and my cheeks turned redder than Carolina's hair. Speaking of her hair, it had the faintest whiff of strawberries.

She awoke suddenly with a bright face. "Right, I, uh. I should take a shower..."

I nodded. "Yeah... Probably should. Sooooo....... does this...?" My voice trailed off.

Carolina nodded. "Yeah, but let's keep this on the down low. I don't want anyone finding out."

She saw my nervous face.

"Who found out?"

"Wash came in on accident."

"What?!? When?"

"It was while you were taking a nap."

She facepalmed. "Great. Let's just hope he doesn't say anything."

I chuckled while sharpening one of my Kuni. "He knows that if he does, you'll kill him. Now, if Wyoming was the one who saw us, there would be no hiding it."

Carolina laughed, then stopped at my door. "Hey, Alaska?"

I looked at her, putting down my sharpened Kuni. "Yeah?"

"No one knows your real name. I'd... really like to know it."

I smiled. "It's Adam. Adam Gates."

She smiled. "That's... a nice name, Adam. Mine's Linda."

I nodded. "Good to know. Still gunna call you Carolina, though. Least while we're with the others."

"And Alaska with you."

She left my room and I took my shirt off, getting ready for bed. Quickly, I change into a pair of warm pajamas, then jumped a little when there was a knock on my door. Opening it, I saw Carolina standing outside with a blue tank top on, white shorts and wet hair. She flashed me a smile and I stepped aside.

"Sleeping in my room?"

"Yep. That a problem?"

I shook my head. "Nope. I just didn't expect it so soon."

She sat down on my bed, gazing at me with her green eyes. "Given how fast I fell asleep earlier, I thought it'd be nice to bed down with you. Just for this night." She gave me a playful wink. I sat next to her with a smile and after a quick kiss, the two of us fell asleep.

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