Five Years Old

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AN: I'll try to put a flash-back chapter every other one, reliving Agent Alaska's life from the first moment he can remember to the moment he joined Project Freelancer!

Alaska's PoV:

I woke up to a body next to me. Two, in fact. One was much older than me and the one to my left combined. I was five and she was eight. The one in bed with us was eighteen.

I woke up yawning. Seeing my siblings sleeping with me, I giggled like a baby and booped their noses. My older brother grumbled and swatted away my hand while my sister simply smiled. Issac got up and stretched. He began to pack things into a duffle bag and froze when he heard the bed creak. Slowly, he turned around to see me looking at him with big eyes. My big brother sighed.

"Look. I'm leaving."

I tilted my head. "You coming back?"

"No. I'm going to fight in the UNSC. You won't see me again."

Tears muddied my vision. My brother picked up his tan and orange helmet and glanced at me.

Sighing, he put it on. "Goodbye, brother."

He left without another word. I began to cry uncontrollably as my sister still slept. Today should have been a happy day! It was my birthday! Why did he have to go today of all days?!?

My cries got louder and woke my sister. She gave me one of her famous bear hugs as I continued to wail. "Hey! What's wrong?"

I cried into her chest. "Brother is going away, forever!"

She looked past me to see the door cracked open. Issac didn't bother to close it. She sighed and hugged me as I cried.

"I'm sorry he left. But he left to protect us!"

"But why today?!? Why not tomorrow, or yesterday!!!"

She sighed and watched as our bedroom door opened, showing our parents. They shared a glance, then approached me. Mommy picked me up and hugged me close.

"Don't cry, sweetie. Today's your birthday! Let's go see Aunt Azura, alright?"

Aunt Azura always knew how to cheer me up, be it a game or showing me her flying in the air with her wings. Smiling, I took Mommy's hand and followed her out our room.

An Agent of IceМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя