The First Mission

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Alaska's PoV:

I woke up to see a metal roof. That's right. I'm on the Mother of Invention now.

Getting up, I put on my armor and entered the hallway. The cold air from my room attempted to enter the hallway, but my door shut before that could happen. Looking around, no one seemed to be up. Shrugging, I walked to the mess hall to find a guy in tan armor sipping his coffee. My footsteps drew his attention.

"Oh, hey there! Haven't seen you around!"

I shrugged. "Just arrived yesterday."

The guy nodded. "That explains why. Name's New York, but York's shorter. You?"

"Alaska. So, what are you doing here?"

York smiled. "Waiting for North and Wash. We were going to go on a mission. Wanna come?"

I thought it over. "Sure. Just let me grab my weapons."

York took another sip. "I'll be waiting right here."

Smiling, I ran back to my room and found my custom SMGs. They look standard enough, grey with a painted green stripe, but the fore grips can transform if you will. They can fold away, or turn into bayonets that face down or ride the barrel. Clipping them to my legs, I grabbed my backup Magnums and attached them to my lower back. Smiling, I walked out of my room and found York sitting with North.

York gave me a nod and I sat down to wait for this Wash fellow. North looked at me.

"So, has York filled you in on the mission?"

I shook my head. "Nope. Care to divulge?"

York folded his hands behind his head. "We've gotta enter an Insurrection base, steal all the data we can, and leave with no survivors. Can't blow it up, though."

I nodded. "Sounds simple."

North shook his head. "Usually isn't."

I shrugged. "We've got this!"

Wash finally came over and we left to get on a Pelican. As we got on, 479 noticed me.

"Hey! You're not on the roster!"

York waved his hand. "Add him. He's tagging along."

She rolled her eyes and climbed back into the cockpit. We strapped in and were brought planet side. Hopping off, we hid behind a rock and gazed at the base.

"So, does anyone know where a data port is?" I looked at the team.

North raised his sniper and looked around. "Yep. Over there."

Our HUDs updated and we gazed at the marker. My shoulders drooped.

"In the smack center of the wide open base...."


I sighed, then drew my SMGs. Quickly, I thought of a plan. "Okay. York, Wash. You two enter while North and I draw their attention. That way, it'll be easier to get the data and get the hell out, right?"

They looked at eachother, then back at me. They all gave me thumbs up and York and Wash ran off while North and I circled the camp. Hiding behind another rock (what is up with all these convenient rocks?!? We're in the middle of an open field!) North lined up a shot and I rushed ahead.

A guard spotted me. "H-!"

A knife was in his face and the other guard had a bayonet in his neck. I hid the bodies, took back my knife and sprinted in.

"Alaska! I don't have visual! Set your trackers!"

I smirked. "Dude. My trackers are always set." I flipped over a guard and cut off his head.

North began sniping anyone he could and I began to shoot as I sprinted through the base. Sliding, I passed under this dude's legs and he died from a heart attack.


Leaping up, I kicked a guy in the head so hard, his neck snapped. I rolled to keep my momentum as I went on a killing rampage. I made every bullet count and the Insurrectionists were firing every which way, barely any rounds hitting me. Those that did got eaten up by my shields. As I finished my last clip, this dude in bulky armor walked in. Being honest, he looked stupid.

"Here kitty kitty kitty...." the dude slowly raised his spinning minigun.

I rolled my eyes and put away my SMGs. Reaching behind my back, I swiftly drew my backups and began shooting. My bullets ripped through his armor and the dude lost his aim, causing him to shoot at.... a..... water tower.........

The support beams creaked as everyone stared at the tipping tower. A knot formed in my gut.


"We've got the data! RUN!!!!"

Us Freelancers sprinted out of there as the tower began to fall. Leaping onto 479's Pelican, we screamed for her to get us the hell away.


She started the craft and looked back at us. "The hell did you do?"

She saw the tower.

"Oh crap."

The base had a reactor close to critical mass. The water would be the thing to tip it over the edge.

"Hold on tight!"

She gunned the throttle as York, North, Wash and I clung to the ladder, our legs flailing around. Thankfully, the cargo door closed and we all slammed into it in a massive pile of arms and legs.

479 landed the Pelican on the MOI and watched as the four of us rolled onto the deck when the door opened. I looked up to see Carolina.

Aw crap.

"The hell happened?"

York bailed me out. "An Insurrection member accidentally cut the water tower, sending the reactor super nova."

Carolina tilted her head. "Accidentally?"

"He lost his aim with a minigun."

She continued to look at us with her arms crossed.

I sighed. "I shot him and he stumbled, but his finger was still on the trigger. His gun chewed through the supports as the recoil kept it crawling up."

Nothing was said for a while before Carolina burst into laughter. We untangled ourselves and retired to our rooms for the day.

I took off my armor and face-planted onto the bed. What a wonderful way to start my career.

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