The Traitor

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Linda's PoV:

I woke up in Adam's bed. His arms were wrapped around me and the heat he gave off was a wonderful contrast to the cold of his room.

Why does he keep his room so cold? Is it because it reminds him of home?

Suddenly, his blue eyes shot open and a grin formed on his lips. "Mornin'."

We shared a swift kiss and I got out of bed and began to stretch. Suddenly, FILLS came on and listed off several names and asked for us to go to the Director's Office. Adam and I were included, so we kinda had no choice but to gear up.

Wonder what it'll be this time.

Pelican, Alaska's PoV:

I ejected a spent round from my SMG. For some strange reason, I only brought one today and left its twin in my room. Speaking of my room, I've told Linda that my code was "3778".

York failed at giving us a straight shot at the Insurrection leader, so we ended up taking the dangerous route. As the Pelican shook from the rounds pounding away at our shields, I noticed C.T. fidgeting slightly. Worried that she was going to bail on us, I muttered under my breath and placed my hand on her shoulder, planting a form of tracker.

"Hey, you good?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Just preparing myself for what's to come."

I smirked. "Don't worry, you've got us by your side." I hope.

She nodded and I took my hand off her shoulder. We got up and watched as the atmosphere in the troop hold was evacuated and the door was opened. Smiling, we all got ready for a tough fight and 479 spun us around, flinging us out. I was the first to hit the deck of the main hanger and I began to take out the startled troopers. Linda hit second and the two of us were like twin tornadoes just decimating the Insurrectionists. Wash ran up to a console and pressed something and the feeling in my legs was lifted.

Thanks, Wash!

"Oh no... Everyone, enable grav boots!"

Carolina and I didn't listen and instead sprung from foe to foe, messing them up royally. Once that was done and gravity was back on (a car almost hit poor Wash), South ran up to the console and began to figure out where the leader was. As I began to do a head-count, I realized something.

"C.T.'s gone."

Everyone looked around and realized the same thing. Muttering a line of syllables under my breath, I saw her flying through space and approaching a door.

"Found her. I'll bring her back, you guys take the leader out."

I began to leap out of the hanger, but Linda grabbed my shoulder. I looked at her orange visor and she looked at my blue one. "Be careful out there."

"I won't get greedy like Georgia."

She nodded and let me go. Steeling my will, I rocketed out of the hanger and after some clever fuel usage and steady breathing, I quietly landed on the hull and drew my SMG. Entering the door, I saw a pair of Insurrectionists shoot at C.T., who fizzled away and the real C.T. sprung up and knocked their heads together. Grabbing an assault rifle, she aimed at the leader and... it clicked?

Quickly putting in its mag, she tossed it up and held the rifle by its barrel. "You didn't wait for me to start? I'm hurt."

You traitor!!!

I took aim with my SMG and opened fire, but I hit one of C.T.'s holograms. She dropped down from the ceiling and kicked me square in the visor, sending spiderwebs sprawling across it. My vision began to blur, but I managed to stay up.

"You, traitor!" The room began to sway as my sight became ever more blurry.

The Insurrection leader walked right up to me and punched me into a sealed environment. I tried defending myself, but he decked me and closed the door, letting the room fill with air. Slamming his foot into my chest, I felt several of my ribs crack and I couldn't help but watch as he knelt beside me, staring into my broken visor.

"You're ours, now."

And with that, he rose to full height and slammed his boot into my visor.

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