The Sarcophagus

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Adam's PoV:

My helmet was under my shoulder as we waited for the Director to give me and Carolina the green light to give the mission briefing. Subconsciously, I patted the book I kept with me.

I won't need you, will I?

The Director turned around and Carolina took a step forwards. "The team's assembled and waiting, sir."

"Thank you, Agents. Go ahead."

We nodded and I turned to face the Freelancers. "Alright, we'll only have ONE shot at this! Intel says that UNSC personnel loyal to the Insurrection is in possession of a high-level asset."

Carolina elaborated. "They're holding it in this building." A hologram of a 110 story building rose up. "A one hundred ten-story building in the middle of an urban eviroment."

Wyoming raised an eyebrow. "What does security look like?"

I deadpanned. "Enough to fill a one hundred ten-story building. Plus extra."

He nodded. "So, that's a lot of security."

You have got to be kidding me. "Our mission is to infiltrate quietly, reach the vault and secure the Sarcophagus."

Wash tilted his head. "The Sarcophagus?"

The Director stepped in. "That is what we are calling the primary objective."

I nodded. "Since it's high-level, we need a key code to open it. And before you ask, Wash, no. They do not keep it taped to the side."

Several Freelancers chuckled.

Carolina brought up the image of a freeway and several cars. A specific red car stopped and the target's data hovered over the top. "A high ranking official of the project holds the code. He makes regular checks."

North clicked it together. "Two objectives, two teams."

I nodded. "Right. We hit one, we're given maybe a minute before the other goes into lockdown. Again, we won't get another shot at this. So make sure your weapons and equipment are all in working condition before getting on the Pelican. Carolina, tell 'em the teams."

She nodded, then crossed her arms. "Team A will consist of me, Alaska, Wash, and Maine. Wash, you're on lock duty since York's in the infirmary."

Wash rubbed the back of his neck. "Um... okay. Guess I'll re-read the field manual on the ride there."

"Hey! Don't be so quick to give away my job!" York was standing in the doorway.

Carolina was caught off-guard. "York! I thought you were still in the infirmary."

He smirked. "According to their records, I am."

I noticed a trickle of blood come from his eye. "You sure you're good, York? I can see a line of blood coming from your eye."

"Hey, I said I was okay. Good might be overselling it a little."

I smiled. "As long as you do your job, I don't care what you say."

He nodded and the Director stepped forwards. "It's settled then. York will join Team A and get them into the facility."

He saluted. "Thank you, sir."

I picked up the original conversation. "Team B is North, Wyoming, and C.T. Transport is two lightly-equipped Pelicans."

479 spoke up from the back. "We're rigged for fast running, people. No heavy armaments."

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