Mangle x Foxy (4)

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Mangle was walking around the pizzeria and seen Chica and Foxy talking.She smiles and was about to walk over there in till......they kissed.Mangle slowly stops herself from walking over there.She sighs and walks away

"I knew he didn't like me."Mangle thought as the goes to kids cove.Springtrap sees her sad and walks over to her

"Are you ok?"Springtrap asked.Mangle stops walking and looks at Springtrap.

"Yeah just....something happened and I need alone time."Mangle stated walking away.Sprungtrap's ears go down.He walks the corner to see Chica and Foxy kissing.

"No wonder why she's sad.Wait that means she liked...."Springtrap sighed and his ears go down.He walks up to the basement door and went inside to look for something.Springtrap looked threw boxes in till he found a strawberry red ribbon.He smiles then heads of looking for mangle.Springtrap found her and smiles

"I have something for you."Springtrap says.Mangle turns around and sees Springtrap she smiled and walked over to him.

"Turn around."Springtrap says and Mangle does so.Springtrap wraps it around her neck and tied it into a bow.After he finished he walks her to a mirror for her to see it.Mangle looks at it and smiles brightly.Blushing slightly Mangle hugs Springtrap.Springtrap smiles and hugs her back.


Foxy was walking around and finds Mangle.He smiles and looks at her neck and seen the bow.

"Wonder who gave her that?"Foxy thought.He walked up to her

"Hello,Mangle." Foxy says.Mangle looks up at him and smiles.

"So,I see you and Chica are together."Mangle says a little sad but her voice sounded happy.Foxy shrugs.

"Not really sure if you say we are.I mean I do like her just don't know how to ask her out."Foxy says with a sigh.Mangle becomes a little sadder then she thinks for a moment.

"I can help."Mangle replies.Foxy smiles.

"Really?" Foxy says happily.Mangle nods.They walk for awhile then see Chica looking at the posters in the wall.

"Just go up to her and tell her how you fill."Mangle says to Foxy.Foxy gulps and walks up to her and talks with her.Mangle smiles then turns around frowning.

"At least he's happy."Mangle thought.


Foxy ran up to Mangle hugging her.

"I'm guessing it worked."Mangle says faking a happy giggle.Foxy nods.

"Thank you."Foxy says.He stops hugging Mangle.Mangle smiled.Foxy smiles back.Springtrap walks in the room.

"Mangle can I speak with you?"Springtrap asked blushing lightly.Mangle nods and follows him to a different room.They where alone,Springtrap looks down at Mangle worried

"Do you want to -" Sprintrap was about to say the rest but he didn't know how.Mangle looked up at confused.Springtrap sighs then found the words to say

"Do you want to be m-my girlfriend?"Springtrap asked blushing.Mangle blushes then smiles.

"Sure."Mangle replied then kissed him

- Gahh my hand hurts from writing this XD.Hope you liked part 4.Have a great day.-

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