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Mangle slowly walks around.She was staring at the new posters that was hanging on the wall.A creak was heard and Mangles ears shot up and she looked around.Nothing.Mangle sighs then continues to walk.She felt a pain in her stomach.She slow looked at her stomach to see a blade threw it.It twisted really fast making Mangle scream and fall to the ground.

"Foxy's mine."The person whispered in Mangles ear.Mangle slowly looks at the person.

"Ch-Chica."Mangle says slowly.Chica smirked.She knocked Mangle and started to brake her.Chica chuckles then walks away.

The hours past.Silince.Mangle slowly wakes up then winces in pain.She lifts her and looked at her broken body.A tear rolls down her face.

Mangle soon growled.Her eyes turned read and she chuckles and slithered away.

( Mean while )

Chica was walking around looking for Foxy.When she seen him she walks up to him and sighs.Foxy looks at her then smiles.

"Hey Chica."Foxy says smiling.Chica looked at him confused.

"Aren't you mad."Chica asked.Foxy sighs then shakes his head no.

"I forgive you."Foxy says then walks away.Chica smiled.Mangle slowly slithers in the shadows and watches as Chica walks down the hall.Mangle jumped out the shadows and grabbed Chica by the neck smiling.Chica screams and struggles to get out.

Mangle wraps her body around Chica then let go of her neck.Chica looks at Mangle in fear

"You know Chica I thought you got over Foxy." Mangle says looking at the ground.She chuckles then looks at Chica. "Looks like I was wrong."

"Look mangle I'm sorry."Chica says still trying to get out of Mangles grasp.Mangle smiles.

"You broke me more then once.You expect me to accept your apologies."Mangle says righting her grip on Chica.Chica breaths heavily.

Mangle grabbed Chica neck again.Mangle raises her hand.She quickly slams her hand down to scratch Chica but in the middle of the air someone stopped Mangles hand.

Mangle growled and looked at the person then gasped.Mangle blinked and her eyes where yellow again.There stood Foxy,the one who stopped Mangle.

Foxy looked scared.Mangle dropped Chica and a tear rolls down her face.

"What am I doing."Mangle says getting Foxy's hand off of hers.She quickly slithered off.

"Mangle wait!"Foxy says running after Mangle,but she was to fast.Foxy stops as her bow fell.A tear rolls down his face.He bent down and picked it up.

Foxy walks over to Chica and angrily stares at her.Choca looks up and Foxy ,then at ground sadly.

Foxy x MangleWhere stories live. Discover now