The end

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- I know this is a short story but the next will be longer ....... Maybe.Im thinking of who I'm doing this next one.Ill guess of it later right now I'm probably waisting your time so I'm just going to go ahead and start thus chapter -

At the dance Springtrap and Chica acutely got together.Mangle was happy for them and can't wait to see them still together in the future.Mangle was looking out the window thinking.When she thought for awhile she walked away from the window then went down the hall then into the kitchen.

There she seen Foxy.She smiles and walks over to him.He was making breakfast.I smiled at him then made a bowl of cereal. Foxy sat next to her when he was done doing his things.


Chica and Springtrap where talking.Foxy walks over to then and joined in there conversation.

A few minutes past and Mangle was now walking around.Springtrap was with her.They had been talking for a minute or two.

"Who's you and Chica."Mangle asked Springtrap.He shrugs slightly.

"It's going great I guess."Springtrap replies.Mangle nods the went quiet.Its acutely been like that for a few days.Just silence.

Chica was in the basement waiting fur Springtrap.He was taking forever so she just sat down then looked threw some boxes.Springtrap soon came down and seen Chica.He smiles then sat next to her.They talked for awoke then decided to go eat.

Foxy and Mangle where on a date.They where talking laughing and many other things.

Everyone was happy with there loved one.Its last.

Me : Sorry
Person 2: You better me
Me : •_•
Person 2 : -_-
Me: ok bye *leaves*


I'm sorry these chapters where short. -

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