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Mangle had been talking with Springtrap for a few minutes.That all stopped in till they heard a door swing open.

"MANGLE!"Yelled a voice from far away.Springtrap realizes who it is and sighs.

"Foxys here."Springtrap says.Mangle started to look horrified.Springtrap looked at her confused.

"We need to leave."Mangle says grabbing Springtraps hand and trying to pull him away from where he was sitting.Springtrap didn't budge.

"Springtrap please."Mangle says looking at him scared.Springtrap heard foot steps come closer.He looked at Mangle then shakes his head no

"You need to talk with him." Springtrap says.Mangle sighs and watches as Foxy comes in view.He seen Mangle them ran over to her.

"Why did you run off." Foxy asked.Mangle looks at him sadly.

"Sorry." Mangle says sadly.Foxy sighs and hugs Mangle.He stopped and grabbed her and then leading her to the door.Springtrap left thinking.

( Later )

Chica was sitting at a table looking at it.She had been sitting there forever then jumped up from her seat when Mangle and Foxy entered the room.

Mangle looks up at Chica then sighs.

"I'm sorry Chica." Mangle says.Chica hugs Mangle as a tear rolls down both of there cheeks.

"I'm sorry too.I should be happy about you and Foxy but I wasn't.I was selfish." Chica says crying.Mangle stopped the hugging then looked at Chica.

"It's ok Chica."Mangle says kinda smiling.

"Same with you." Chica says smiling.Foxy comes beside Mangle.

"I'm also sorry Foxy." Chica says.Foxy looks at her surprised.But then he just smiles.

"It's ok Chica."Foxy says


"Sir I can't do this."Springtrap says sadly.

"You must." The man replied."if you don't then you would wish you did."

Springtrap growled then stormed away.He then went to the Barney then slammed the door behind him.


Mangle was being fixed by Bonnie.Chica was looking out the window sadly.Foxy came next to her.Chica smiles and looks up at him.Foxy was staring out the window.Chica looks at the ground thinking.

"Almost done."Bonnie says to Mangle.Mangle smiles as Bonnie puts her bow on.Mangle hopped up from the table when Bonnie was done.She hugged him then walked out the room.She turned the corner and seen Springtrap.
Mangle smiles at him and waves.Springtrap just walks past her without doing or saying a thing.

"That's weird."Mangle thought.She then shrugged them walked on.Mangle seen Foxy and Chica and smiles.She walked over to them and Foxy looked away from the window at her.Foxy smiles and wrapped his hands around her waist.Mangle smiles and looked up at Foxy.


Springtrap was looking threw the kitchen them stopped at a knife draw.He pulled one out then closed the draw.He walked around and seen Mangle all alone

"I guess this is my chance." Sprngtrap says as a tear runs down his face.Springtrap left to find Foxy.Foxy was at a table drinking a cup of coffee.

Springtrap sighed then was about to walk over to Foxy but got stopped by Chica.She was i front of Foxy now talking with him.Springtrap groans them walks away.

"I wish I wasn't doing this." Springtrap says walking to the basement then sorting down on a box.Springtrap rubbed his face stressed.


Mangle was in kids cove watching the rain fall down the window.Shes been doing this for awhile.It was boring.Nothing really bad has happened so Mangle didn't have nothing to do.Nothing to think about.None to worry about.

Mangle got up and walked over to the tables and seen Chica was talking with Foxy.Mangle walked over to them and sat next to Foxy.

"Hey guys."Mangle says. Foxy looks away from Chica and looks at Mangle.Foxy smiles then greeted her back.Chica sighs then looks at the ceiling.

-this chapter is actually the longest chapter so far.Ill see y'all tomorrow I got to go to bed.

Looks like Foxy did care.Whats going on with Springtrap though?and who was he talking to?find out in the next chapter. -

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