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Sawyer's P.o.V.
"Chase me Oli! Fasterr, Faster!" Joey giggled rather loudly. 
I smiled watching Oliver chase him countless times around the living room. We've been here for about a week. It's nice to not have to worry I'm gonna be kicked out of the house and the fact Joey can be a little kid and not live in fear. He's been very attached to Oliver lately. We still have our issues but we will hopefully work them out. Kiyanna's boy friend has been hanging around a lot more lately. They seem to be getting very close. I'm happy for that little dude. I was not near what he needed. I just get myself into bad relationships that don't last long.
"Earth to Saywer!" Kiyanna was yelling in my face.
Snapping out of my trans I look up at him. "Huh?"
"Me and Sage are taking Joey to the park. Is that okay?"
"Oh yeah but where are  Kyler, Oliver and Carson?"
"Carson and Kyler left to for there trip remember?"
Searching my brain I did remember. They needed "time alone". I think we all know what that means. 
"Yeah their "trip". What about mas-Oliver?" I caught myself from calling him what I long to call him again.
"He's up in his room. We will be back in a few hours."
"Okay don't get hurt and check before crossing roads."
"Okay mom." Kiyanna laughed walking away.
"BYE DAD!" It was clear someone had let him have sugar. 

Sighing I started my way up to Oliver's room. I needed to fix things with him. I knocked lightly on his door. 
"Come in."
Biting my lip I turned the knob and looked in.
"What do you want?"
"I want to fix things. It doesn't feel right not talking and stuff."
"There's to much to fix."
"Can we please try?"
Hesitantly I sat on the end of his bed. I kept my head hung low. It didn't feel right looking at him. Like I was disobeying him or something. 
"Why did you kiss me that day?"
"It just felt right."
"But you knew I was dating Kiyanna at the time."
"He doesn't deserve you! I deserve you! Your mine, Remember? I bought you and helped you!"
Fear ran through me. He had an uneasy tone in his voice and what's with all this remember stuff. He doesn't remember what I do.
"I kissed you that day because I had remember the one before. I remember everything about you. Your cute smile and how your eyes shined when you were scared. I always loved that about you! I wanted to get you back but you never came close to me. So lying was the only way. We set it up Sawyer. Kyler knew to bring Kiyanna there so he would see. That would give us an excuse to kick you out. it hurt less not having to see your beautiful face everyday.!"
Tears were now flooding down my face. He remembered? Then he put me through that hell? How could he set me up like that?"
"Why'd you set me up like that?" Now I was staring him straight in the face.
His  face softened when he saw my tears. Grabbing my waist he brought me close.
"I'm so sorry for myself. I'm sorry for hurting you. I just couldn't bare see you with Kiyanna once I remembered and it wasn't fair to make you break up with him when I did." I could feel his tears now. A few landed on my cheek. Please forgive me."
"Only if you forgive me for how I acted and when I left."
I ever so slightly nodded. Then he placed a small kiss on my lips. My lips spread into a smile. Life is finally getting back to normal. 

Well I have been updating a lot lately :D But I probably won't be again for a couple days. In the mean time  you guys can go follow me on tumblr- my_music_is_a_life_style and you know inbox  me there so I can like do my weird dance..... anyways I love you guys and you should comment and vote....I feel my writing was better in this chapter...

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