Chapter 5.

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Jughead's POV

I was now hugging Betty in the middle of the club, she was sound asleep on my chest, that I didn't realize people were now staring.

I walked out of the club, and found her car, I walked up to it, and opened the door using Betty's keys.

I texted Veronica, who was the one talking to Betty in the phone.

I placed her at the back, and got into the drivers seat.

I was now sitting in a traffic waiting for it to move, and it did, but slowly.

I slowly looked at Betty who was sound asleep, why is she so beautiful?, I thought.

Without realizing she put a smile on my face making me chuckle, suddenly I felt a pair of lips on my cheek.

"Your cheeks look so red." She said poking my left cheek, I didn't notice how the sudden touch of her lips, made me blush.

"You're drunk, Just sleep." I said but she pouted and rolled her eyes, "You know I am glad Justin's not my boyfriend." She said and crossed her arms across her chest.

Who's Justin?

I thought, but then shook my head letting the thought slide, "He was such a jerk, I can't believe, I dated a piece of trash like him." Her smile was soon turned into a sad one, as she was the one telling herself to be happy.

But tears did fall from her cheeks, I quickly turned around and wiped them off with my finger.

I looked at her, but she didn't look at me, "Look at me Betty." I said making her slowly look up to me.

"Don't cry, everything will be okay at the end of the day, because I will be there, always next to you." She quickly smiled and wiped her cheeks and went to sleep.

I am glad she won't remember this in the morning.

I sighed and finally got to our apartment, I picked her up and she instantly hugged me, wow she must really like hugs.

I got to our door and opened it using my keys, I put her on the couch to close the door and when I got up, she was already sound sleep.

I looked at her once again, but strains of hair were on her face, I pushed them back, and saw that a little bit of mascara was now dry on her cheeks.

This asshole really did hurt Betty, what did she do to deserve this?

If I see him I would definitely give him a piece of my mind.

I took her into my arms and placed her on the soft bed, she instantly stretched her arms and fell back to sleep.

I walked outside her room but took a peak of her sleeping, she's so peaceful when she's sleeping.

I walked to my room and quickly lit a cigarette and walked to the balcony, maybe this is what I need, maybe Betty is what I needed all along.

I shook my head and said, "Nonsense, I don't like her, she's just my roommate." I put the cigarette between my lips and smoked.

Betty's POV

I woke up with a banging headache, I walked to the hallway, and saw myself in the mirror, I jumped because of the horror that was on my head and quickly changed.

I stretched my body and yawned, suddenly I wondered, how did I get here?

I started having a panic attack, what if I did something stupid?

No, no, I am not stupid enough.

I walked to the living room and saw Jughead cooking pancakes for breakfast, he was wearing pants and no shirt.

I stared at his body for too long that he noticed me blush, I quickly turned around hiding the redness of my cheeks.

"Food is on the table Betty." He said sitting next to me, not saying anything about the blush.

I was a bit shocked since I know that Jughead always likes to tease me.

I walked to the plate that was filled with delicious looking pancakes, I took a few and placed them into my plate.

When I sat down next to Jughead he quickly stood up, like he didn't even want to sit at the same place as me.

And it honestly hurt me.

He placed his plate into the sink and went to his room, I rolled my eyes, placed the pancake into my mouth.

A few minutes later he walked to the door and looked at me with a blank expression saying this, "I am leaving to work, and I expect a thank you from you since I picked your ass from the club yesterday."

My jaw dropped and he just left, leaving me speechless, okay what did I do to make him this mad?

I walked to the sink and it was full of dishes, I rolled my eyes, and started cleaning.

The last plate slipped from my hands and broke in front of my eyes.

I quickly cleaned the place, but didn't notice the cut on my hand, it was bleeding.

I took an aid-kit and covered my cut, I sighed, not knowing the reason why Jughead was like that.

But more importantly, he was the one who brought me home?!

I was now panicking, walking in circles, did I say something?

Wait did I confess?

I placed my hands on my head and said, "Why can't I remember anything? And why can't I keep my mouth shut?"

I sat down and relaxed and quickly dialed Roni, hoping that she won't mind coming here.

She finally answered apologizing for leaving me yesterday and that she can't come today.

I threw my phone on the couch, taking a deep breath, I texted another person, who I haven't seen in a while.

And they agreed, I was truly happy, and finally got up making my way to my bedroom, I got ready and waited for them.

I waited like a dog waiting for their owner to come back home, and it's been only 30 minutes.

And I started getting worried, what if something happened to them?

But then my thoughts were distributed with the door bell, I walked to it, slowly opening it, and saw the people who I was waiting for the whole time.

"Did you miss me?" Said Cheryl inviting herself in while holding hand with Toni, she sat down and said, "What's the problem?" I sighed, while taking a seat next to Cheryl, this is going to be a long talk.


I see that a lot of people are enjoying this story, thank you so much for your support, and love to this book.

If anyone is interested in kpop, more specifically in BTS, I suggest reading my other story on iamdramaticaf

But if you don't like it, then I totally understand.

The next update might be the last one for a while, not because I don't have inspiration, it's because I have other books to finish.

Again thank you so much for reading this chapter and I hope you enjoyed it.

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