Chapter 17.

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Betty's POV

As soon as I heard Jughead's voice my body jumped out of place.

He just ruined my date.....


I walked to the window and said, "Go the hell away Jughead!"

He then laughed and then quickly changed his voice into a serious one, "Betty you either come here on your own or I will drag your ass inside the car!"

I turned around and was about to walk to Archie, I then heard Jughead yell at me but what I did next pissed Jughead even more.

I grabbed Archie from his collar and crashes his lips into mine.

The kiss felt sweet but it wasn't Jughead's.

I then felt two pair of hands pushing me aside and I saw how Archie flew right on the floor and his bottom lip started bleeding.

I ran to him and helped him get up but I felt strong arms picking me up and dragging me away.

I tried fighting back but I couldn't.

So I gave in.

I apologized to Archie about what happened and he said it was fine.

But I know it isn't...

I was now sitting on the seat as my arms were crossed and so were my legs, Jughead was speeding so much it made my heart jump.

I was about to speak up but then Jughead said, "No one has the right to kiss you, touch you, hold you between there arms, I can only do that do you understand?"

I was beyond pissed right now, how could he say that?!

"You are mine only mine!" his voice was getting louder and louder, it was getting on my nerves, it's like his reminding me that I am all his.

I decided to hold my anger and say as quietly as possible, "stop the car..."

He then started going even faster than usual, my heart stopped and said, "I said stop it Jughead!'

He rolled his eyes and pulled up on the side walk, "Did you understand what I said?", I ignored him and tried opening the door only to find that it as locked.

He then chuckled and said, "stop trying its locked Juli-"I cut him off and then said while raising my voice, "Why do you always do this Jughead can't you act like a normal person does?"

I could feel him stare at me just listening to me on what I have to say, "You are so annoying, for the past weeks I have been giving you the silent treatment, and if, I said if I forgive you, you will act like you don't know me and you don't care, you know how much it hurts-"

"I actually like Archie he's a nice guy with a nice personality, and he surely does not have a damn temper and freakish habit of saying that everything is his!"I could feel him state at me intensely, and it made me scared.

I then heard him laugh at me, okay is he taking this a joke?, is he serious?!

"How can you judge that guy if you've just known him for like a couple of hours!, yes I know about your little date that Veronica planned I heard it all, and she even called me!,-"My eyes started to get watery, I like Jughead but the way he expresses his feelings is not the way I want to feel loved.

His face expression fell and he touched both of my cheeks with so much affection it made my heart skip a few beats, "Don't cry-" he said before I cut him off.

I then pushed his hands of me and started punching his chest over and over again, "What's wrong with you!?-"

"Don't tell me anything Jughead, you have no rights to even call me a friend because what you are doing is not fun!, you are playing with my feelings like its a toy, of course you don't know how it feels like, you just love playing with people and their feelings, I am so sick of you!, why can't you act normal!, of course you see the world like butterfly's and rainbows but I don't, I don't live in a fairytale like you do Jughead."

I could feel him glance at me and then say, "Leave...., I want you to leave now!"

His voice was getting louder and louder by each word, I was about to speak and then he said, "Like I said Betty don't dare judge a person without knowing what had happened to them in the past, because to make clear things to you Betty, you don't know anything about me."

The way Jughead spoke to me was different, I triggered something inside of him, and it was definitely a hard subject in him.

Why can't I just keep my mouth shut!

I then walked out of the car and started walking back to the bridge, my thoughts were blurred out when I heard a honk in front of me.

It was Archie with a bloody lip, I covered my mouth and said, "I am so so so sorry about what happened to you...."

He then chuckled and said, "Don't worry it's fine, but please get in I will give you a ride home if you want."

I softly smiled and took his offer, after a few minutes of silence in the car he broke it "So was that your boyfriend?" My eyes quickly widened and I said, "Oh no, god no, I don't want to think about him anymore."

"I understand, I got into the online dating because of a situation like yours, it's about my girlfriend well ex-girlfriend now, she was just too possessive over me and said ridiculous things."

I then sighed and said, "I guess we kinda have a similar situation, but he is not my boyfriend or for the matter of fact my ex-boyfriend."

I could see him smile as his eyes were fixed on the road, he then stopped his car and said, "We are here, I hope you had a lovely night Betty and I would love to do that sometime soon."

I gave him a warm smile and said, "Thank you for the ride Archie it was a lovely night indeed, I hope we can text from time to time."

He then smiled back and went his way, I got into out building and saw that it was empty, well it's midnight after all.

I got into our apartment and turned on the lights, "Where the hell have you been?!"

My body jumped and my heart beat raced, "Jesus can you stop scaring me, and for you concern, you were the one who kicked me out."

"So why are you waiting for me?!" I raised my voice and then threw my shoes on the ground.

"You were getting under my skin!, what the hell am I suppose to do in that situation?"He said and came closer to me.

I sighed and said, "Don't come any closer Jughead, but you got under my skin too!, and following me on a date?, are you serious do you think it's normal for people to do that?-"

"No of course not!, but I was worried about what will happen to you!,-" I laughed at his response and said, "You have no right to even worry about me Jughead, now please let me go."

He then stood in front of me and said, "No you are not going anywhere Betty-"

I then punched his chest and said, "Let me go!"

He then pinned me to the wall and said "please Betty just talk to me, I am sorry...."

I laughed at him and pushed him away, "It's too late for that Jughead, I guess you finally get what you never wanted...."

He then put his hands inside his pockets and asked, "and what would that be?"

"Oh I don't know, probably me not being yours in the first place."

He just stood there in front of me sighing over and over again, while I just stood there in front of him as my arms were crossed across my chest.

He then looked at me with fire in his eyes, but that fire wasn't anger and it wasn't anything bad.

It was just lust.


Hey guys!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Thank you so much for giving this book a try!, This chapter is about longer than usual, I actually like writing this book, this book is giving me so much inspiration to write it's like I don't know what exactly to write anymore 😂😂.

I don't know when the next chapter will be up, but I hope it will be up soon before December.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter it really means a lot to me💜💜💜.

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