Chapter 6 |♡Just a Kiss♡|

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Shadow chased Sonic around the house again, by this time Sonic was desperate enough to jump out the window and that's just what he did or at least was about to do. He came up into Shadow's room and quickly opened the window, ready to jump out but Shadow quickly grabbed his little body and pulled him back in, shutting the window. Shadow tossed him on the bed and laughed like the crazy maniac he was.

"I'm not letting you leave so soon my dear, we were just having fun." he smiles, crawling on the bed towards his desired lover. "This isn't fun Shadow." Sonic backed up. "Then let me fix that." Shadow whispered and leaned in for a kiss. Sonic refused such an act and slapped him away. "Ew, no I'm not doing that." he fusses.

Shadow chuckled and looked into his eyes again with a delighted playful expression. "Well at this point I don't think you really have a choice, my love." Shadow whispered to his desired. "Stop calling me your 'love' I don't love you." Sonic backs away further into the bed. "Then I'll make you love me." Shadow huffs getting off the bed and grabbing a sharp blade from his closet and pulling out a pocket knife.

Sonic jumped and got off the bed as well. "Wait, Shadow, stop whatever you're doing." he shouting while running after him. Shadow made it to the back door and peaked over at the neighbors house and smiled evilly. "Shadow, what are you doing?" Sonic held onto his arm tightly, trying to drag him back inside the house.

"I'm only doing this for you." he fought while looking down at his sharp weapons. In the midst of it all, Sonic realized that this was his chance to escape. He let go of Shadow's arm and ran over to the back gate as fast as he could run. He ran up to the gate and tried pushing it open but when he looked down, there was a big lock on it. "Damn it." he mumbled to himself. "Going somewhere love," Shadow flirted and hugged him from behind. Sonic whimpered and fought through Shadow's attempts when it came to touching him. "You're so cute when you try to cute that it's pointless to even try leaving," Shadow teased. "Pointless? My friends will notice that I've been gone, and the last thing I told them was that I was coming over to your house," Sonic argued. Shadow's ears flickered and he stared down at the sharp blades in his pocket and thought about it. "Well....your friends won't be able to notice that you're gone if they're dead." Shadow smiled.

Sonic's heart dropped and he started squirming around, trying to break free. "No Shadow, please don't do that I beg of you they're all I have." Sonic whined. Shadow saw his lover crying and turned him around to pick him up. "Don't worry love, you won't need friends as long as I'm around." Shadow suggested. Sonic broke down and started crying on his shoulder.

"Please don't cry my darling...I think it's time to stitch that smile on your face, you'll look as pretty as a doll." Shadow hugged him again.


What is wrong with him? He was all normal before this and now he's some crazed maniac that thinks taking someone's life means I'll give him everything. "Stop saying that, I don't need a stitched smile and I don't want anyone else killed because of this." I cried to him. He was silent for a few seconds and he looked down at me.

"Kiss me then."

"Ew, I already told you no."

"If you kiss me I'll let your friends live and we can be together forever, and I won't try to kill anyone else for you." He bargains.

I thought about it, if I do this then no one else will get murdered and everyone can be safe, but it costs everything that I loved, I can't see my best friends anymore and I won't be able to finish school if he keeps me here. Making a sacrifice for other people's lives.

I closed my eyes and quickly leaned in and kissed him. It wasn't bad...but it wasn't passionate either, just a simple kiss, I guess the thing that made it different was the fact that this was Shadow and not someone that I actually liked. A sudden cold breeze from the wintery air hit us hard and we both shivered away from the kiss. Shadow smiled and took us back inside the house. "We'll work on that kiss."


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