Part 1. You're Back!

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—Present Day—

You woke up from having a dream of the past 'Those were wonderful memories' you thought to yourself as you got up from your bed. It was 6:00 pm and you were still trying to figure out if you should give up on your latest project. You walked downstairs and into your living room, by the couch you opened a curtain to reveal a whiteboard covered in measurements and equations, next to it all was a humanoid figure. The figure did not have any distinct features or meaning to it. It stood there as its steal shape reflected the sunset into your eyes. "Argh" You exclaimed when the light started hurting your sight.

—time skip—

It was now 9:00 pm and you were finishing the mechanisms of the Android, and to be honest you were getting bored of this routine. You were dozing off and suddenly you heard a crash coming from your backyard. Your face lit up with excitement, knowing that it might be a meteor you grabbed some data splicers and your laptop.

The devastation was massive and your garden was a wreck. "No no no no no no NOOO!" You knelt down beside your vegetables and your apple tree which were both half exploded "There goes not having to go to the store.."

After you stopped mourning over what used to be a bountiful harvest you started to notice the whirring and clicking of gears coming from the crater in your garden. The gears sounded off balance as if they were trying to scrape each other and then you notice the two colored beams of lights coming out of the crater, one blue and one orange. As you got closer you heard a soft voice say "space? We're not in space! Spaaaace" you raise an eyebrow and walked towards the crater cautiously. Then another voice called out "Where am I? Oh I'm still stick with you...anyways" he continues "Hello? Is anyone there?" The voice sounded familiar to you as if it belonged to a family member or a close friend. The whirring of gears continued and suddenly you remember who that voice belonged to.

"Wheatley? Is that really you?"

You whispered these words with hope as you peered into the crater. Two cores sat in it one with a blue light and the other with an orange one, both had a label that read "Aperture Science". Your eyes widened as you looked at them. "Hello, lady where is space? Are we going to space? SpAaAAaaAce" and the other seemed a bit more alarmed "AH! Please don't hurt us! Look I'm sorry about last time it won't happen agai- wait oh you don't seem to be who I thought you were."

You pick up Space core and Wheatley with a look of curiosity. You were about to ask how he got here but Wheatley cut you off by saying "Excuse me love if you don't mind me asking, where are we?" You flatly replied "Oh uh you're in my garden in (name of place)" he looked around for a moment and asked "So what's your name?" You we're surprised that he never recognized you...did he really forget? "Oh my name is F/N L/N" you said as you opened the door and walked inside. You set Space and Wheatley on your desk. "How did you get here Wheatley?" He seemed confused but then he stated "well I was in space and suddenly I was hurled into the atmosphere! Then I crashed in to your garden..."

"I see that's...strange" you said, intrigued. "Well then Wheatley and Space I'm going to go get some sleep and I'll see you in the morning...I advise you go onto sleep mode for now" You walked upstairs, the sounds of gears moving stopped and the lights shut off.

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