Part 9 Dream

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After Chad had left and you were sleeping on Wheatley's shoulder, you had a dream. In the dream you heard a voice. The voice was croaky and something about it made your heart ache. It made you almost cry. The voice spoke, "Please- Please hang on a little while longer! I know you're strong! Don't leave us! Please...." 

That voice sounded so familiar, but you had no idea why. It just sounded just like- like- Just like him. It sounds just like him. It was- was it him? It can't be. No that can't be real. 

The voice stopped, and an image flashed in its place. It was a memory, a found memory at that. You were working on Wheatley, but- Wait no that's not it! You worked alone....did you? Someone was standing right beside you, putting in the programs for Wheatley's mannerisms and voice and recording...Something. They were recording and putting in a script? It seemed like responses as well. 'Wait- Weren't those pre-reocrded?'

You looked over to the man and he smiled...Something about that smile made you blush. Who was he? Why did he look like him? Why did he sound like him? This man...That's- This- This isn't right. The man pushed his glasses up and gave you a goofy smirk. He attempted the worst pick up line you heard. You just giggled in response.

'This memory...why did I think I worked alone before this,' you thought. 'Why did I work alone? Did I work alone?' You didn't work alone. No, you had a partner, a male partner. His name was- His name- No...that's not right.

You stared at the man a little longer, before you went back to work. Something about this man was incredibly goofy and nerdy, almost like he was a proper fit as an Aperture Science scientist. He was a perfect description of one. He reminded you of someone...Someone you met recently. He reminded you of a friend, or perhaps someone closer to you than a friend but not quite family either.

The dream faded out and so did the memory. It was utter darkness. It was a pitch black sea but a sound resonated. A voice; This voice was very familiar it sounded like- It sounded like Chad? It pleaded, "(Y/N)," you felt a warm sensation as if someone were holding your right hand. "(Y/N) please...Please wake up...We miss you! Damn it I-I know you'll g-get-t better! You recovered from the last one. You can do it again!"

Then you awoken. 'Boy what a nightmare! What was that- Hm....What was the dream again?' You didn't quite remember but then again, it didn't really matter.

(Wheatley x Reader) ReunitedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin