Part. 2 Wake Up Call

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A/n: Hello! So sorry I didn't update in a long time but I'm working on a few oneshots for Food Fantasy. Thank you! -author Chan

You woke up at around 7:00 in the morning with a great idea already in your head, so you got up and changed, made breakfast and started working on your project. You looked over to Space which you had figured out was corrupted and malfunctioning the night before and now he laid on your desk. You thought about the past memory, about your friend showing him off to you, he said so much fascinating facts about space, although he had a dorky voice and seem too excited for being just a robot. "I wish they could see Space now..." you sighed sadly remembering the days it all just crashed down... Quite literally. You went back to work adding programs and searching for materials to add features to the humanoid figure and trying to figure out a plan.

Wheatley's POV


Power on, initiating system power up....

Currently 7:00 am

It was 7:00 am in the morning and Y/N was up already. I couldn't help but seem to think she looks familiar. I never asked her how she knew my name yet and to be honest it was quite weird when she knew it even though I didn't introduce myself. My memory cycle is working just fine but I can't help but think maybe if I just search my hard drive I can just find the memory with her in it then I could remember who she was.

It seems like she is working on some humanoid figure which was fascinating to me. I knew humans can be excellent engineers but she looks like she can be far more advanced than the humans in the test chambers or what GLaDOS said about them...Memories aside I begin to watch Y/N. It doesn't seem like she notices that I'm out of sleep mode yet

"Hello Y/N! What are you doing? Hmm seems like some kind of experiment?"

No one's POV


You jump and turn around, slightly surprised, you didn't notice the small robot watching you.

"Um I'm working on an android...I have an idea for now and I want to develop it." You watch as he looks like he's trying to guess your idea and you giggle. "Want me to tell you?" He seemed to practically light up "Yes yes! Please tell me if you don't mind!" you smile and reply "Well I'm planning to upload your data and memory into this" his face seemed to grow nervous "Uh like a c-core transfer?" he asked nervously and you noded. "It won't hurt I promise Wheatley" you reassured him.

You started working on the features adding realistic skin and hair. When Wheatley was asleep, you secretly linked him to the computer to start the data transfer. As the data and memory filtered into the android you couldn't help but wonder what would it be like if he was an android now. The robot looked so realistic you could easily mistake him for being human. You sighed and went to bed.

It was 5:00 am and you were woken up by Wheatley himself. "Aaaahhh where am I? I can't see! I'm bloody blind! Y/N HELP!" You rushed down stairs and the android was moving sporadically and panicking. "Wheatley! Open your eyes!" Panicked he asks "Bloody HOW!" You quickly reply "USE YOUR EYE LIDS" then he finally opens his eyes and his flailing stops. He stares in amazement gazing at the colorful world around him. You watch him look up and down and to his sides you finally ask him "What do you see Wheatley?" and he gives a reply that made you so happy to hear "I see color and it looks... beautiful." You smile and he walks towards you and touches your cheek. "Hm?" You look at him curiously and suddenly you remember 'he has never touched anything before has he?' You just noticed you were staring quickly averted your eyes. "Oh sorry..." he apologized and gave an awkward smile which you thought this was absolutely adorable. "Eeeee" you fangirled and he suddenly gave a you look of concern "I'm sorry did I hurt you?" You smiled and said "no sorry I'm just happy it's working." He looks at his body and feels his (blond or brown) hair. He touches his black framed glasses and looked at his shirt and pants. The mechanical sounds were not present anymore for you made the gears work smoothly and you didn't need to put many gears at all. He started to walk around the house, he was wobbly at first but got the hang of it. He suddenly was able to conquer the task of walking up stairs and to be honest he was getting the hang of this fast and you had to catch up to him. Suddenly he stopped by a hanger on a door just staring at the coat that was hanging on it. You walked up to him and said "Oh you found my lab coat! It took me ages to fix the tears in it but it was fun to do it! I was also able to sew in my name!" He then stares at you "Wheatley are you alright?" You asked with concern in your voice but then he says "How did you know my name? If you don't mind me asking that is..." you thought for a moment 'should I tell him? No. He has to remember!' You finally answered "Well I knew from the very start...don't you think a creator would know her own creation?" He stared at you his blue eyes seemed to almost glow he looked serious and stern and it almost scared you. He poked you again and you wondered if it was a system malfunction until he said in a soft voice "So that's why you seem so familiar...I-I just can't believe this...but GLaDOS-" you cut him off "I made it out fine Wheatley, I'm alright." You goth walked down stairs and he walked to his charging station and went into sleep mode while you passed out on the couch.

You woke up at 9:00 am and the first thing you saw was two blue orbs staring at you. "GAH!" You screamed as you jumped back. He yelped and backed away "I-I'm so very Y/N. I was just curious y-yeah." You shook your head and rubbed your eyes then forced a smile "it's alright Wheatley I'm just tired." You made your way to the kitchen and made a cup of coffee and groaned as the days of adrenaline has passed and it's finally catching up to you. Wheatley was sitting on the couch poking one of the pillows. After drinking your coffee you sat back on the couch and began to write in your note book, Wheatley noticed this and he started to peer over your shoulder. You smiled and kept writing until 15 minutes passed and you were tired again. You stopped writing your eyelids beginning to feel heavy. You started to lean on Wheatley's shoulder and you started to sleep.

Wheatley's POV


'What's going on?! Ok Wheatley don't panic just relax...relax... whatever that was is what from I learned humans call 'sleep' they do it when they are tired...yeah...' my thoughts started frantically racing through my head. When I look over by Y/N I see a furry mesh of...something..

It had a collar and it appears to be named...emerald? Is this what she calls a pet? It sure looks bloody vicious though. I try to think for the moment then I found a brilliant idea. 'I should call it's name and it will leave' so without waking up Y/N I call the pet. "Emerald shoo! Go on now Emerald. You don't really need to be here right now!" It came closer to me and I began to panic. 'What do I do? What do I do!' Then suddenly I hear Y/N yawn she sits up and pulls emerald to her lap and pets her. What the heck is it doing? What is this weird sound? I scoot back and Y/N sits up and says "Don't worry Wheatley she's just purring" 

"Oh thank goodness, I thought it would attack me!" he sighed

"It's a cat the worst she could do is scratch and hiss."

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