Part 10. Analytics

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Things were strange this morning. Wheatley caught (Y/N) staring at him often, and although he felt quite uncomfortable he offered a small wave. He wanted to know what was troubling the poor girl but he didn't want to pry. 

You both sat down on the couch, you were reading a book and he was calmly petting your cat Emerald who quickly grew accustomed to him. "(Y/N)? Is there something bothering you love?" He asked with a quirked brow. No, you weren't an item yet but it was a habit that he had seemed to built, he liked the nickname and even when you two had reunited he said 'love'. You glanced at him, analyzing his features and his voice, "I had a dream last night...." You started, hesitating and failing to articulate words to explain the dream. "Oh? Please tell me what it was about!" He said with that dorky smile. That smile however, had gained a new meaning, it was so familiar that it stung. You blushed a little at that smile, but why did you blush? "W-Well. A voice started calling out to me...they said something quite, sad. Then," Wheatley leaned in intently, "I was at Aperture again. However, I had a lab partner. I-I don't remember having a lab partner but I think- I think I did." Wheatley's eyes widened and suddenly, they both turned black and his head bowed forward. You panicked until his eyes returned to normal and his head shot right back up. He adjusted his hair and glasses, "Well, I for one, think you actually did. It seemed to be a man- I could be wrong...Nah I'm right, I'm pretty sure I'm right." You were shocked. You did have a partner, "What was his name Wheatley?" Wheatley thought for a long amount of time, "I can't recall." (Y/N) was disheartened, maybe, just maybe...She'll remember again and uncover what else she's missing. 

(Wheatley x Reader) ReunitedWhere stories live. Discover now