Part 11 {Remembering}

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A few weeks later, on a bright and beautiful afternoon, Wheatley sat with (y/n) at the foot of the second floor balcony. (Y/n) found herself modifying him yet again upon his request. He wanted to be able to taste and eat like she did. It would be a difficult challenge but she took it up immediately. The air around them laid sultry and warm, the birds sung songs of summer. "So this is summer?" He asked, chipper as usual. "Mhm." Summer indeed, a perfect one at that.

There was a moment of silence, not awkward yet not quite comfortable. Those glowing artificial eyes stared forward at your garden. At this point, he seemed almost too humanlike. As if he would start breathing at any moment. He looked like the memory of a person. A moving image of someone who once was. You couldn't tell why, though.

Of course with summer came Chad as per usual. Something felt off though, as if a movie flipped its script. Wheatley was put off by his presence but did nothing about it. You could taste something like bitter medicine in your mouth when Chad was around. You could have sworn that something happened but none of you three could remember. 'Usual?' You thought, 'I don't remember Chad visiting in the summers, though.'

The days continued to carry on in this mist. You felt like a shell of your former self and Wheatley took notice of this. Every now and then he would try to cheer you up, get you up and moving. Things weren't the same though. So he gave you projects to work on. Like taste. Which would be what you were doing right now.

"What happened to you, (y/n)?" He asked, voice wavering with slight hesitation.

"Nothing, I'm the same as I've always been."

"Nonsense!" He accused, "you're ALWAYS looking down now! You're never any bloody fun anymore either."

"Excuse me?"

"I said what I said!"

You sigh and he turns to shoot you a hesitant soft glare, "Tell me what happened. I promise I'll keep it a secret!" He had a pout now and your eyes furrowed, a memory flashing. It was him again, that mysterious lab partner. It made you tear up.

"I've been having more dreams lately. Things don't seem right and I don't know what to do. It feels like I'm having a dream within a dream. Maybe I'm just tired."

Wheatley didn't respond due to the paradox he's been given. He found himself in a loop and all that slipped past his lips was "Uhhhhhh"

You chuckle and close up the panel behind his neck to hide the circuitry and work. Then you snapped between his eyes before taking his hand, "Don't worry about it."

Wheatley snapped out of it and nods. When he was about to pose another question, you cut him off,

"You remind me a lot of him sometimes?"


"My partner."

"Your lab partner, right?"

You laugh, "Yeah..."

The sun sets on the horizon. The sultry wind turns cool.

"I think I loved him."

(Wheatley x Reader) ReunitedWhere stories live. Discover now