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my name is Kate, I'm 28 living in London. I moved here after living in Sydney for most of my life..

I was at work as my routine was get up, work, eat, sleep and go home to my empty shell of a flat. It was a Wednesday night and the Cafe worked at was open until 9pm, we had been swamped all day and we ran out of milk so I had to go and get some for tomorrow..

I was on my way to the corner shop, I had brought 12 bottles of milk and I had to carry them back to the Cafe before I go home for the night..

I was half way there when I was hit from behind, I dropped all the milk and it went everywhere, I tried to get up but I was knocked down again. I felt like someone hit me with a brick but I couldn't see, then I felt their hands go up my work skirt. I yelled at them to stop but all they did was punch me until I saw blood everywhere and I blacked out. I don't really remember much but all I know is someone didn't want me to go back to the Cafe. Then I felt them drag me behind a building and I felt them pulling my panties off, before they tried to rape me I heard a voice but I thought it was my imagination so I let my bloody nose spill out.



the next thing I remember is being carried and taken to a car.

"please don't hurt me, I'll give you anything please let me go.."

"it's ok I'm here to help you, you safe now"


I was awoken up by my phone going off it was Kyle.. He was telling me to get my arse up and go to Ralph's house for our session for the new album and well it was 6pm and we go back from being in Ireland all weekend and this was my time off to sleep and relax. I headed to the shower and go in and sang my songs I love to sing, banks she was amazing and her voice made me sing with glee. I was getting out when Kyle rang me again and texted me, I love that guy like a brother but man he's annoying sometimes. I laughed when he sent me a text filled with cat emojis and hearts. I put my phone down and locked it so I could do my hair, I just put a few styling products in and made my famous quiff high. I headed in to my room and put my clothes on. My to kill a king shirt and black skinnies I put my red converse on and my grew jumper. It was October and London gets cold. I headed for the door with my glasses on and walked to Ralph's as he was only 5 mind away from me. I was walking down the street when my phone rang again it was Kyle.

"hey mate where are you I miss my Danny boy and will isn't letting me watch the tv"

"Kyle I'll be there soon just hand tight also tell him to and wait never mind I'm not your father, go play with your phone"

"your no fun and this is why you need a kitten, they help with happiness"

"hahaha, sure I'll be there soon.... Bye"

"bye, kitten"

After getting off the phone I was walking when I saw milk everywhere and someone screaming, I was going to ignore it but it was a girl. I walked along and saw some guy beating her and trying to rape her. I called out.



I grabbed my phone out and dialled 999, the guy backed away and ran down the alley. I went over to the girl and put my jumper on her and covered her now exposed chest. She was bleeding from her face and lower region. I picked her up and she whimpered.

"please don't hurt me, I'll give you anything please let me go.."

"it's ok I'm here to help you, you safe now"

I took her to my car and put her in. I drove her to the hospital, we arrived and I took her in. Some nurses and doctors came to me and took her from me, I went to park the car and wait until she was ok.

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