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Dan's POV:

From what people keep saying around me it's been 4 weeks since I came here and I haven't woken up, Kate has been at my side for the last few weeks and it has made me so happy knowing she is here with me. I hate to think what pain I am putting her though and making her get up set because I haven't woken up.

Kyle:"has he improved yet?"

Kate:"no and they are trying to get me to turn off the life support machines and I cant"

Kyle:"it's ok love, he will wake up I know it"

Woody:"we can't give up on him, he wouldn't if one of us were in here"

Kate:" I know woody and we're not giving up and I know what everyone thinks but he won't be taken away from me"

I heard Kate cry and it broke me but all I could do was listen to them, I wanted to wake up so bad and it was driving me nuts. God dam it body just wake up so I can be with the people I love. Ugh why is nothing working, why can't I just get my legs to work to try and tell them I am here and I will be waking up.

Kate held my hand and I tried so hard to squeeze it back but nothing was working and it was making me feel worse. Kate if you can hear me know I love you.

A few hours later the doctor came in and shone a light in my eyes and he kept saying something about if we take me off the life support machines then my organs can be donated to people who need it.. I felt like screaming at him and telling him that he is wrong and that I am alive and my body is not working..

Doctor hews:" if we think about organ donation then Dan's organs can save others"

Kate:"no I can't and his parents are in America and they are coming back to see him"

Doctor hews:"ok well talk to his parents when they get here and in the meantime we will continue to check up on him"

The doctor was wrong and I am going to wake up and it will be soon..

Kate's POV:

After 4 weeks and 2 days in the hospital making sure Dan was going to wake he hasn't and it has made me thought what if we did turn off the life support machines and let his parents choose what happens after that.  I had to tell them when they came from being in holiday in America and it was heart breaking because I was the reason he was in here and now he may die because of me and he will never see our child grow up and become just like him

Isla:"Kate Hun we don't blame you and we know  it wasn't your fault and we know dan wouldn't want to blame you either"

Rod:"did they catch the son of bitch who did this to him?"

Will:"yes and she is away, the court case is in a few weeks and the son has been taken to a mental hospital because he is a schizophrenic"

Kate:"dont blame Aaron he didn't do anything to Dan and he saved Dan, it was his bitch of a mother Sarah who made him be like this"

I sat down and held Dan's hand again and kissed it, I put it to my new 6 month stomach and let him feel the baby that was growing inside of me and hope he would wake up, how can he not wake up. We have done all we could to try and hope he would and it made me heartbroken to think he will never get to see our child grow up..

After the doctor had seen Dan for the last time that night he turned to us and we knew what we had to do.. I turned to his family and they all nodded..

April 15 the 2015 at 2am we turned off Dan's smith's life support machines....

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