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It has been 5 months and I still had hope I'm the back of my mind that Dan would come and get me and we could live normal lives, but every time I woke up I was still in this hell hole and I was still with Sarah and Aaron. I was now going mad and Aaron was being really nice to me and helping me when his mother would come in and abuse me. I had asked Aaron to get one of the pregnancy tests from the shop and we will do it when his mother goes out for her usual poker night.

Aaron:"hey I got what you needed, mum is out so you need to pee in a cup and then from what the box says we can test it..."

"hey, thank you I don't know if I'm going crazy here but I really need to know"

"sure, you are my best friend and I want to help you"

"hey could you let me text Dan to say ok?"


"Aaron I'm sorry, I just wanted to let him know I'm not dead, you don't want him to think that do you?"

"not tonight, I don't want to get introuble and mum checks my phone"

"ok, we won't but if we did I will tell her I took it from you and you won't get in trouble"

"well ok I see that"

After we did the test I sat next to Aaron and we waited and I read what the test said, the two lines appeared and it was confirmed. I was in here and pregnant. Great now how am I going to get out?

Dan's POV:

It's been 5 months and I still had no answers from anyone. I had to do it all my self and try and hope that I can find her. I was going over everything and nothing was turning up and it was making me shitty because how can the gig we went to have no CCTV or our bus. It was like someone didn't want to know where she was going or me finding out. I hated not knowing and it was all because I didn't follow her that night, why didn't I just grab her arm and tell her to stay with me and stuff getting air.

I had gone through all the sites I could to see if anyone could help me and my cousin who was a detective even tried to help me but got in trouble and so it was a dead end from that. I was losing hope why can't she just text me or call me once?

Then on the 14th of march i got a call from her it was probably 60 seconds long..

"Dan, I'm ok... I don't know where I am but I am ok"

"Kate I am so happy please just tell me where you are?"


Then the call ended and someone hit me from behind and that's when it went dark...

Baby Come Home...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora