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she brought him here and now with a stab wound to his stomach I don't know if he's alive or dead. I went over to him and check for a pause and saw he had one. He moved to say he was in pain and it scared me because I can't do this alone and I need him. I take hiss shirt off and put pressure on his wound and kiss his head. How can someone like Sarah be so mean? What did we do that was so wrong. I was buying milk for my work and Dan was just trying to help me..

"Dan, baby you need to stay awake"

"come on baby. I need you wake up for me"

"Dan.... Please I can't do this alone"

"I love you dan"

"Dan... Wake up please, I need you to stay awake"

I rubbed his head and just hoped Aaron will come back and help us, I have been getting closer to him so maybe he might help me out if I say that the baby is his. Dan was coming in and out of consciousness and it was scaring me because he was losing blood even though I had put pressure on his wound. I saw Aaron come back and he was crying.

"Aaron go and get some bandages and supplies NOW"



"wait you are having my baby?"

"yes I am now please help me for our baby so we can help him too"

When Aaron left I grabbed his phone from his pocket and sent a text to Kyle..

"Kyle it's Kate, I'm alive and can't explain right now. But I need you to call the cops and get them to the corner shop near Dan's flat asap. Don't reply to this number or call, also Dan is hurt and he may die..."

I deleted the text after it was sent and put Aaron's phone on the ground and pretend that he dropped it..

Aaron came back and we patched up Dan, I got the alcohol that Aaron brought with him and opened up Dan's mouth and poured it down his throat and he started to cough and wake up. I had tears in my eyes because I wanted him to be alive..

A few hours later Dan was sleeping next to me and he looked so sweet. Then Sarah came in and she was pissed...

Sarah:"you wouldn't think I would find our your carrying his child"

"Sarah please just kill me and take Dan to the hospital"

Sarah:"no I don't think so"

Then I felt a kick to my stomach and it was hard. I let out a cry and Aaron came to me and helped me. I was in so much pain I couldn't even sit up.

Aaron:"I'm sorry Kate, I am I won't let our baby die"

"please... Call an ambulance now"

The pain was getting worse and worse. I couldn't believe how evil this woman was and now I was fighting for my baby's life and trying to save Dan's too...

Baby Come Home...Where stories live. Discover now