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I heard police and an ambulance come to the back of the shop they tended to Dan first as he was losing a lot of blood. He was taken out and Aaron carried me to the other ambulance, I was taken away to get seen. I couldn't let Dan die or my baby. The pain was getting worse and I was bleeding. I was scared and starting to feel dizzy at the same time. I wanted them to make sure Dan doesn't die.

Then it all blacked out....

I woke up a few hours later and I was in the hospital and on a bed and monitors were beeping and I had some belt thing on my stomach. I started to get angry and I wanted to be with Dan he needs me. I saw a nurse come in and she was so nice to me.

"hey love you need to calm down, you and your baby have had a score today so keep your blood pressure down ok, you are safe and your baby is ok it looks like the little one wanted to come early but we have stopped that now"

"w-w-where is Dan, I need him please tell me hes ok"

"that man he was brought in with a lot of blood loss and it looks like he will be ok but he is in a induced coma so until he wakes up we won't know"

"please can I see him.. I need to see him"

"love he's asleep and you need to rest too. You and your baby are in danger of getting sick ok so please calm down"

I laid back down and fell back to sleep I couldn't believe I was in a hospital and I was safe. I wanted to see Dan that's all I cared about, my baby was ok as well and it make me happy. I couldn't believe I was out of that hell hole and now I can get on with my life with Dan..

Dan's POV:

I was in a dream it was like people were talking to me and telling things about me but I wasn't waking up, I wanted to scream and ask if Kate was ok, the last thing I saw was she was in pain after Sarah kicked her in the stomach. I couldn't believe how someone would do that to a person. I was so relieved that Kate was alive and safe, I needed to wake up so I could see her and kiss her soft lips again. I heard Kyle, Will and Woody come into my room the said something that Kate was pregnant and she has keep her blood pressure down as she may lose the baby. I couldn't believe it, I was going to be a dad I was so happy. I wish I could wake up and tell the guys I am so happy and I want to tell them that Kate is the love of my life. But nothing was coming and I was stuck like this until I wake up. Come on body wake up please wake up..

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