Chapter Seven

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I immediately regret agreeing to come to the band's gig tonight the second we arrive outside of a rowdy bar. Girls in thigh-high boots, who may or may not be standing dangerously close to a corner, wander in the midst of smashed beer bottles outside the propped-open door. And sketchy men wearing leather idle around parked motorcycles, yelling rowdy things and hunching over in belly-gut laughter.

A million reasons of not wanting to come worsens the regret. And then the main reason for my hesitance flashes across my eyes: Blue, our kiss, his harsh words, how I've been adamantly avoiding him. Going to his gig would be like walking into a slaughter house, his slaughter house.

But I can't let him dictate what I can and can't do whether or not he'll be there. As much as I'd like it, I can't avoid him forever. Finn is a great friend of mine, and the two are roommates. We will have to navigate being around each other for Finn's sake. Ugh. I feel like we're divorced parents trying to co-parenting. I actually laugh at the thought of Blue and I being married — as if.

Much to my dismay, Riley locks my arm with hers and drags me inside, while a few other friends trail behind us. Inside is even more scary. The walls have chipped red paint, grimy wooden floors, and dim lights hanging over tall bar tables.

I shift my worried gaze over to Riley. "Their gig is inside a biker grill?"

"Don't be so freaked out, no one will mess with you," she answers nonchalantly, but she doesn't sound certain. I swallow harshly.

"Are you sure about that?" I squeak, eyeing a huge guy by the bar obviously checking me out. I consciously pull my gray pea-coat tighter around my stomach. Underneath my coat I am wearing a pink cardigan over a pressed white button-down, and a soft-pink skirt that stops a short inch above my knees. I wish my coat was a few inches taller, maybe stopping at my ankles.

"Yes. No offense but I doubt any of these guys will want to get with you with how you're dressed." She laughs. I'm offended but too nervous to say anything. I follow her to one of the small, cluttered bistro tables in front of the makeshift stage.

I don't know whether to be offended or relieved by her statement...

Before I even sit down I notice the band coming onto the stage from the right. The short girl with a tanned skin-tone and short, pink-streaked brown hair and confident red lips saunters onto the stage. She's wearing a ripped black tee-shirt and doesn't even address her crowd of fans staring up at her, as she focuses on tuning out her keyboard.

Behind her, the guy with the short blonde hair cut, wearing dark clothes and a metal in his nose, waltzes on stage and beelines straight for his drum-set. I don't know what to make of these two. They're incredible at what they do, but also very intimidating.

I beam as I watch Finn jogging up the stairs. He's admittedly attractive in his navy-blue t-shirt and bomber-jacket, his dark hair pushed against his forehead. Sans the face piercing and pink-streaks in his hair, he looks out of place in the band, but confident enough that he fits right in.

My smile threatens to fall when I see Blue walking on stage, dressed in his usual all-black outfit: black t-shirt, black leather jacket, black jeans with ripped knees.

Hey, he matches his soul. How fun.

"Why are you scowling like that?" Riley nudges me in the side.

What? I am? I twist my mouth and attempt to soften my features. I didn't even know I was doing that. I have no control over my reactions when I see that heinous boy. I hate how easily he fills up my brain and muddles my other senses and thoughts.

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