The Ending

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Hari penilaian tiba. Keduanya jadi gugup. Jimin yang kemarin udah ngintip sebagian latihan mereka ikut dateng ke aula buat semangatin. Ini emang penilaian, tapi terbuka buat mahasiswa lain kalau mau nonton juga.

Giliran mereka naik ke atas panggung kecil yang disediain. Minhwa narik nafas dalam, berusaha rilekskan diri. Jungkook udah duduk di belakang piano. Regangin jari-jarinya supaya ngga kaku.

(Hello) You changed a lot, your shorter hair

(Hello) Your thick makeup, you're like

someone else

(Hello) I know that I mean nothing to you now, I feel it

You'll forget me, whatever, I'll just meet another girl

I'll just meaninglessly meet another guy, it'll be typical

Don't look back so I can't hold onto you, no way yeah

I'm not that great of a person

Don't think too hard, no

Don't pretend to be nice doo doo roo doo doo roo

We always had that kind of love, don't

say yeah

I'll erase my love for you (erase) you

I'll erase your number (erase) secretly

We can't ever be, no no

That's how we always were, yeah

Disana ada sohib-sohib Jungkook yang lihat penampilan mereka. Otomatis Taehyung juga ada disana. Yuqi sebagai adik tingkatan mereka juga sudah pasti ada disana.

Lagu ini bener-bener ngena telak di hati mereka. Sedikit-banyak berpengaruh buat Taehyung. Cowok itu natap Minhwa bersalah. Salahnya udah janji tapi dia ngingkarin sendiri.

(Bye bye) I secretly walked behind you

As your turned back grew darker

The farther you got, I thought of you more

Without even knowing, why, I keep missing you, bye

I'll erase my love for you (erase) you

I'll erase your number (erase) secretly

We can't ever be, no no

That's how we always were, yeah

Lagu selesai. Penonton bertepuk tangan meriah. Bahkan sampai pada berdiri.

"Lagi! Lagi!" sorak mereka.

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