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T'Challa didn't even answer Victoria. He simply pressed a bead on his bracelet and within a minute another person entered the lab.

"You called for me, brother?"

"There's someone who's been dying to meet you. Victoria, is is my sister – Shuri. Shuri, this is—"

"—Victoria Selene Barton! You're Virago! Daughter of Avenger, Clint Barton. Youngest Avenger, and my personal stan!"

"I think that sounds like me?" Victoria chuckled and gave the girl a hug. "It's lovely to meet you, Shuri."

"The pleasure is all mine!" Shuri smiled and turned to her brother. "Was there anything else?"

"Would you be so kind as to show Victoria to the room Pietro is in?"

"Yes, of course!" Shuri grabbed her hand and pulled her in towards the door. "See you later!"

The girls sped through the hallways, chatting idly while doing so. Victoria loved T'Challa's sister, she was so bubbly and really smart. She was so passionate about her work, and Victoria admired that.

"When did you start with your tech craze?"

"I've always been crazy about it." Shuri smiled. "When I learnt that Captain America's shield was made of pure Vibranium, I asked my father for some to play around with. That little bit he gave me, I was able to make mini shields. From then on, I immersed myself in science and studied how things worked, and how they can be improved." They stopped before a door and Shuri placed her bracelet to a scanner by the door. "This is your loverboy's room."

"Thank you, Shuri. I'll catch you later?"

"I look forward to it."

As the girl retreated, Victoria entered the room. Pietro lay on the bed, fast asleep. He was wearing more casual clothes and his shoes had been discarded on the floor. Upon a closer look, Victoria noticed the tear tracks down his cheeks – mostly dry, but still visible. She frowned, before settling down next to him.

She wiped his cheeks and whispered, "I'm here, Pietro. I'm okay."

His eyes opened sleepily and he blinked a few times at Victoria. When he realised she was in front of him, he shot up and stared down at her. He moved his hands tentatively towards her side and lifted her shirt up. The wound had healed, but the actual skin hadn't even scarred.

Her skin was still tender so when Pietro touched it gently, she hissed and grabbed his hand. "I am so sorry! I did not mean to—"

"It's okay, babe. It still hurts slightly, is all."

Pietro kissed her forehead and settled beside her again. He brushed her hair back and held her face. "I thought I was going to lose you."

"You won't. Not with the healing I have. P"

"You have this really annoying trait of putting yourself in danger for others, you know?"

"I know."

Just as Victoria was falling asleep in his arms, the door opened and this time, Steve entered. "Told you she'd be fine, kid."

"I cannot help but worry."

"Well, there are some things we need to discuss."

Victoria and Pietro followed Steve through the corridors before they stopped in some sort of conference room. T'Challa was waiting for them, as well as Alexandrya. She seemed a little better compared to when Victoria saw her last, but anyone could see she was still upset.

"The rest of our team are locked up in Raft. My first responsibility is to fetch them." Steve turned to Victoria and Pietro. "We're still wanted, so we'll need to be careful."

"What will you do when you have them?"

Steve looked at T'Challa. "Hide, help where we can. I'll need your help, Pietro, to get them all."

"Okay, got it."

"Vic, I'm not sure if you should come. You're still weak from your wound and I don't want you to hurt yourself any more."

"She's more than welcome to stay here," T'Challa interjected. "That is, if you want to?"

"Thank you, T'Challa," she smiled and looked at Steve. "I'll stay in Wakanda. Keep everyone company."

Alexandrya caught her eye and Victoria winked at her. The older girl sent a small smile and turned to T'Challa. "She can help Shuri and I with Bucky. Her powers might come in handy."

"It's settled then," Steve stood as he spoke. "Vic, you'll stay here while Pietro and I break the team out."

"Being a fugitive really does suit you, Cap." He sent her an unamused look and she shrugged. "Will you bring them back here when you've got them?"

"I don't think so. In case the jet gets tracked or something, I want to keep them as far away from Bucky and Wakanda as possible."

Victoria looked at Pietro, who held the same expression that she did. "So... When will I see you all again?"

"I don't know, Vic. I really don't know."

Pietro moved closer to her, his mouth by her ear before he spoke, "You sure you are staying here?"

Victoria glanced at Alexandrya before making her decision. "Positive."


This is the final chapter before the epilogue... I'm not emotional, you are.

Comment your thought on what will happen next!

Enjoy your day. xx

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