The Mysterious Girl(BOTDF fanction)

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*Lulu's pov*

I woke up to my dad banging on my door again,

I just laid there not wanting to be here anymore I hated it, he always hits he says that it's my fault that my mom died

(you see when I was 10 mom was in a terrible car accident my dad blames me because I was with her and I survived he hates me for it)

as I was thinking he broke my door down and ran at me beating me with a wooden bat.

I'm surprised I even survived he left me on the floor bleeding, I slid to the corner of the wall and stood up sort of lightheaded but I shook it off  and started packing my clothes

I changed cleaning the blood off of my head and face and patched it up then jumped out the window and started running.

(Let me tell you a little bit about myself hi, my name is Lulu Saunders I have green hair and blue eyes I'm 5'6 I love FIR, MIW, AA, MCR, PTV, BMTTH and much more I'm very pale and have an hourglass figure. well that's it let's get on with the story.)

I was running when my body started to be in pain I screamed and walked to the nearest house that I came across there was white and black it was a huge one,

I went up to the door and knocked a few seconds later a man open the door. "Can I help you?" he asked "yeah I-" before I could finish what I was saying I blacked out,

well I was down I came across a dark room there was a man in the dark calling my name very slowly, I was backing away when he caught my arm. "Going so soon" he asked slit my throat.

*Botdf's pov*

"Where did you find her?" Jayy asked

"I found her outside she rang the doorbell and when she was going to answer my question, she fainted" Dahvie said.

"Well let's check her out see if she's hurt" Jayy said,

"okay" Dahvie said we lifted up her shirt she had gashes and bruises all over her body

"who could've done this?" Dahvie asked himself,

soon we let her rest then she started to shift.

We waited for her to walk up so she could tell us what happened to her, she opened her eyes and looked around dazed.

"Where am I" she asked

"you're at our house" Jayy answer,

she looked at us then her eyes went wide

"omg" she whispered

we smiled. "You're.."she stopped

"blood on the dance floor" we both finished

"yes" she said

"yeah we are" we said,

"can we ask you somethng"? Jayy asked

"sure" she said.

"What happened to your body? why do have gashes and bruises?" Dahvie asked,

she looked down "well my dad beats" she said

"WHAT?!"  we both yelled

she looked up crying...

The Mysterious Girl(BOTDF fanfiction)(ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now