57: numb.

634 38 23

just imagine his hair's black lol


He blankly stared at the ceiling, only his chest slowly rising and falling. Thoughts barely filling his mind, the man felt numb.


That's exactly how he felt after Taehyung refused him. After he embarrassed him. Manipulated him. Guilt-tripped him.

After his heart got broken for however many times— he stopped counting a while ago.

Jimin didn't want to admit it.

Admit that he had some type of antagonistic role.

Yes. He was assaulted by his drunken best friend.

Yes. His drunken best friend stopped when told.

Yes. That best friend turned him down.

No. He wasn't okay.

Being broken seemed to be permanent at this point. Jimin couldn't lie to himself anymore.

Popcorn ceilings couldn't hide the fact that he felt so useless; his attention-seeking led him to lie.

It is true..., he never was raped.

However, in Jimin's frantic, lonesome mind, it could've happened.

That was enough of an excuse to put all the blame onto the alcoholic man.

To add on, his roommate agreed with him and labeled Taehyung as a rapist.

Jimin smiled to himself as his eyes filled up with tears. The smile wasn't happy, nor sad. Rather just empty.

Perfectly, his smile, matching his mind.


"Are you okay?"

He looked up from his soggy cereal bowl to face his roommate.


"You want to talk about it?"



"I'm fine."

With one last look of concern, Seokjin put his coat on and left the kitchen.

Looking back down at the pieces of cereal floating around the milky waters inside the bowl, Jimin felt his whole body shut down.

As if he could only try to act okay in front of his friends. Thoughts barely filling his mind, the man felt numb.



He said a weak greeting to the woman that began to place her groceries onto the conveyor belt.

Returning the greeting, she hurriedly picked up more items, obviously in a rush.

"How'd you find everything today?" Jimin asked while scanning the bar codes of oranges.

Not okay.

"Fine, thanks!" she smiled and continued to unload her cart.

"That's good."

"How was yours?" the woman finally emptied her cart and stood in front of the cash register.

Not fine.

"I'm fine, thank you," he fakely smiled and instructed her as to what to do.

After waving her a goodbye, Jimin sat down and looked at his lap. Thoughts barely filling his mind, the man felt numb.



At dance class, he weakly helped Jungkook along with the routine, not caring whether the latter asked if he was okay or yelled at him.

"Jimin, for fucks sakes," Jungkook angrily ripped the other's hands off him.

"What's up with you?!"


"Is this about Taehyung? Because Jimin, you're going to need a reality check."

The other sat down and his eyes wandered to Seokjin's usual visitors spot.

Today he was at work.

Sighing, Jimin looked up at Jungkook as he continued to yell.

"You can't just be a baby and make a big deal about it. You're a grown-ass man and make decisions all the fucking time!

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but you made mistakes too-"

Taehyung walked over to the commotion, "What's going on?"

"Jimin won't fucking dance with me because he's being too much of a self-conceived asshole."

"Whoa, okay, Jungkook," Hoseok entered their midst, a small crowd forming behind him.

"Look, Jungkook," Taehyung turned to the other. "I don't think it's a great idea to do this while the teacher's gone-"

"Who gives a fuck? Why do you care?!" he sneered, stomped over to his bag and exited the room in a tantrum.

"Well, fucking, then," Hoseok rose an eyebrow at the outburst.

Jimin watched as the door slammed shut behind the younger. Thoughts barely filling his mind, the man felt numb.



cool wow lol I start school tomorrow kms

okay thanks for reading


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